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I walked into Zach's house the next morning feeling sick to my stomach.
I cheated on Zach last night.
"Sky?" I called out, praying to god she was awake.
"Living room!" she replied.
I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and dragged myself into the living room, where I threw myself down on the couch.
"What's up with you?" Skylar asked, not even bothering to turn her head to look at me.
"I cheated on Zach," I stated, bluntly.
That got her attention.
"Wait, with who? What did you do?" she interrogated.
"I..I had sex with Daniel last night," I said, cringing as the words left my mouth.
"Oh, I'm not surprised," she scoffed.
"I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later. Was it good at least?" she questioned.
"Stop. It doesn't matter, what matters is that I fucking cheated on Zach. I feel disgusting, Sky. I should have never let that happen," I rambled.
"I thought you said that you and Daniel were nothing?"
"We..we are nothing," I said, hesitantly.
"Okay, well you just hesitated. Also, you fucked him last night, so you two obviously aren't nothing," she pointed out.
"I know. I fucking know and sometimes I wish I would have never fucking met him because he causes so many problems. I just wish I could love Zach the right way without Daniel constantly fucking everything up," I ranted.
"He wouldn't be fucking things up if you would just set it straight with him that you guys are just friends. I'm not trying to make you the bad guy here, but you are kind of playing with his heart. I mean, you say you love Zach and that you and Daniel are only friends, but then you go have sex with him. He's probably confused," she said, trying to be as nice as possible.
"You're right. You're so right, it's just that when I tell him that we can't be like we used to be, it upsets him and we end up fighting. I hate fighting with him and I don't want to hurt his feelings, but we have to stop doing shit like this," I replied.
"Well, when you get the chance, talk to him. Just say it nicely and if he gets mad, don't yell back at him. It's just one of those sucky ass things that you have to do in life," she said.
"You give good advice. Thank you. I think I'm gonna go shower and then maybe go do some reading at the cafe downtown," I notified.
"Mmkay, have fun."

I flipped the page of my book and started scanning my eyes over the page as I took a sip of my smoothie. I have been getting my mind off Daniel, but I still feel unsettled with what I did to Zach.
I glanced up to see my favorite frosty blond standing at my table.
"Hey, Corbs, you wanna sit?" I offered, gesturing to the chair on the other side of my table.
"Sure. What brought you here?" he asked, setting his iced coffee down in front of him.
I looked into Corbyn's soft, loving eyes and knew that I could tell him. It might not be something that I'm proud of, but I know that I can tell Corbyn anything, even my darkest secrets.
"Please don't repeat anything I say," I begged, the tears instantly dotting my eyes.
"Hey, I would never. What happened? Did you talk to Daniel?" he asked, his hand reaching across the table to hold mine.
"I..I went to his house last night and we fought again and then..um..we...I think you know where I'm going with this," I said, then looked down.
"Does Zach know?" he asked.
"No, and I feel like a complete asshole, but I can't tell him. Corbyn I love Zach, I promise. Daniel and I just got caught up in each other last night, it was a mistake," I promised.
"Does Daniel think it was a mistake?" he asked.
"I don't think so. He would have stopped if he didn't want to last night."
"Well, why didn't you stop?"
"I..I started it."
Corbyn looked at me sadly, he could tell I was falling apart.
"I think I need to talk to Daniel, set everything straight, and move on. I can't keep doing shit like this, I can't do this to Zach," I said.
"Look, it's not my place to tell you what to do, but go easy on Daniel. I was talking to him the other day and he brought you up constantly. I think he's like...attached to you and it's hard for him seeing you let go and be with someone else. Just take it easy on him and give him a hug, he'll need one," Corbyn smiled.
"I think I'm gonna do this tomorrow. I just want it taken care of before Zach gets home," I sighed.
"Hey, don't treat it like a job. I'm not trying to be mean, but it's not a job, it's Daniel's feelings," Corbyn warned.
"I won't. I need to get home, but thanks for talking, Corbs, this helped a lot," I smiled.
I gave Corbyn a quick hug and then began my journey home so that I could get the rest I needed.

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