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I saw Daniel waiting for me on the beach. I smiled, even though I knew what was coming probably wasn't good.
I made my way over and sat down.
"Hey," he smiled.
"So..about this weekend," he began.
"Was that it for us? Are we really truly officially done?" I asked.
"I think we need to be," he said sadly.
"I think you're right.
We both nodded, feeling upset but a little more settled with the way things ended.
"Do you really love Marley?" I asked.
"Do you really love Zach?"
I sighed. I didn't know how to answer that.
I guess that's how he is feeling too.
"I'm gonna head home, but just know that I am always here for you. If you ever need anything, whether it be a million dollars or just to talk, don't you ever hesitate to come to me. I love you Daniel, I promise I always will," I said.
"Same to you. I'm here always. I love you Charlie."
I pressed one last kiss to his lips before walking off the beach and leaving our forbidden romance behind.

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