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I sat on the sidewalk, drawing a butterfly with a piece of purple chalk. I hummed to myself. Being an only child, you learn to entertain yourself.
"Just go ask her if you can play with her. It's not that hard, I'm sure she'll say yes," I heard from the house next door.
I looked to the left to see a brunette boy dressed in grey shorts and a blue t-shirt standing with his mom and staring down at the bucket of chalk that was resting next to me on the sidewalk. His mom gently pushed him down his driveway. I sent him a smile, just trying to be friendly. He slowly made his way over, his cheeks a bright red.
"Hi," I smiled, looking into his crystal blue eyes.
"Um, hi. Can, um..um, can I..um..um..draw with you?" he asked, playing with the hem on his shirt nervously.
"Sure, go grab some chalk!"
His teeth made an appearance as he smiled, making his way over to the chalk bucket and picking up a blue piece and a yellow piece.
He sat down and began drawing, my eyes trained on the chalk as he moved it across the ground.
"What are you drawing?" I asked.
"I'm gonna draw the beach. I like your butterfly," he complimented, making my cheeks turn red this time.
"I'm Daniel, by the way."
"I'm Charlie."


I shoved a grape into my mouth, watching the leaves on the tree slowly fall from the branches. Daniel and I are having yet another picnic in the treehouse his dad built for us. This treehouse was built about three years ago and we've been here almost everyday since. We have picnics in it almost every weekend and we come here all the time after school to do our homework together.
It was a breezy Friday night in the middle of October, but we are determined to have our picnics every Friday until it is absolutely too cold.
"Did you hear Maia got a boyfriend?" Daniel asked, picking at his food with his fork.
Daniel has had the biggest crush on this girl in our class named Maia for almost four months now, but she finally got a boyfriend. I don't really like her because she isn't nice to me, but whatever makes Daniel happy.
"Yeah. I guess you two just weren't meant to be," I shrugged.
"Guess not."
It was silent except for the occasional sound of leaves crunching from squirrels and rabbits running.
"Do you believe in meant to be?" I asked.
"I believe that there are things that are meant to be. I believe that if it's a dream, you have to work for it, but when it comes to soulmates, it's up to the universe to get them together," he answered.
"What's a soulmate?" I asked, turning my body so that I could face him.
"I think it's like a best friend, except you can kiss them. So like...two people that are best friends like us...but they like....y'know...kiss and stuff," he said.
I nodded, listening carefully to his words. Daniel has always been wise beyond his age, so I always love listening to him ramble on about things.
A gust of wind blew by and I wrapped my arms around my body, trying to keep warm.
"Are you cold?" Daniel asked, worriedly.
"Um..yeah," I said, a little embarrassed.
Daniel moved a plate of cookies out of the way and scooted close to me, then wrapped his arm around my body and pulled me close to his warm body. My cheeks heated up. I didn't want to admit it to myself, but I think I have a crush on Daniel.
I decided to take a risk, so I lifted my head off his shoulder and quickly kissed his cheek, then hid my face back in his shoulder.
I couldn't see his face, but he's my best friend, so I could feel his smile.


I paced around the treehouse, waiting for Daniel to get here. I texted him about ten minutes ago telling him to meet me here because it's an emergency. The most embarrassing thing possible happened to me. I had a date for the seventh grade dance and I really liked him, but as I was leaving school, I saw him holding hands with another girl.
As I waited for Daniel, I sat down in the corner of the treehouse and started crying into my hands.
I heard someone climbing the steps to the house and I knew it was Daniel, so I just stayed put.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I heard before feeling a pair of arms wrap around my body.
"Daniel, he was holding another girl's hand," I sobbed, turning around so I could shove my head into his chest.
"I'm sorry," he whispered.
My cries only got louder as Daniel tried to calm me down.
"I hate this, now he's gonna be the only thing that I can think about," I bawled into Daniel's shoulder.
"Alright, then let me take your mind off him," Daniel said.
I looked up, confused, which gave Daniel enough time to crash his soft lips onto mine. He moved his lips against mine softly and kept his hands rubbing up and down my back.
He pulled back as we were both out of breath.
"I...I think I kinda have a crush on you," he admitted, heat radiating off his face.
"I think I've had a crush on you for a long time," I replied.


I laid my head down on Daniel's chest as we swayed back and forth to the slow song that was playing at our senior prom.
This is the end of high school for us.
Daniel is joining a band out in Los Angeles and I'm attending college at UCLA. We both couldn't be happier since there isn't much distance between us.
Anyone that doesn't know us would think we are a couple.
But we aren't.
Daniel and I know we have feelings for each other and there's been tension between us since that day we shared our first kiss, but we are both way too scared to fuck up the amazing friendship we have because, in all honestly, neither of us really know anything about love.
"Hey, um, I never got to say, but good luck out there in LA. You're gonna be great, you're so talented," I whispered, then pressed a friendly kiss onto the corner of his mouth.
"Thank you. And I know you'll do great in college. I can't wait for you to facetime me and tell me everything," he returned the kiss, except he placed it a little further onto my lips.
We both smiled and continued dancing in silence, just glad to be holding each other.
The end of highschool is bittersweet for us, really. I mean, we're both getting out of this town and following our dreams and living our lives, but in a way neither of us want it to end.
It's almost like when you're reading a really good book and all the problems are resolved and everyone's happy, but you don't want it to end because you love the journey that you went through when reading it, so you want to know more about the characters lives when they are happy and settled the way they want to be. Daniel and I have gone through everything together and had a lot of fun along the way. We went to every football game and school dance together, we had a lot of classes together, we were happy, sad, angry, and sick together, we had arguments and we learned from each other, we hauled each other's drunk asses home from parties and we took each other's virginity. It's sad to see it all end, but I know we are both ready for what this life is going to throw at us.
Because we have each other.

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