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I sat next to Daniel on the same spot on the beach that I sat with Zach yesterday. Daniel picked me up about ten minutes ago and we came to the beach to just chill out.
"I really really missed you," he said.
"I missed you too. I mean, I wasn't dying without you, but sometimes, on Friday nights, I just wished that you were there to have a picnic with me and watch a movie. That's our tradition," I smiled.
"Oh, trust me, I was dying without you. I..I don't know, I just hate when we're both busy and can't see each other, even if it's just a stupid text," he said.
"I know. Zach told me that you were losing your mind," I laughed.
"Hey, it's not funny," he pouted.
I shook my head and watched the waves crash, feeling at peace. This isn't awkward at all, we're just best friends hanging out. Just like the good old days, only without the sex and the occasioanl kisses.
"Hey, um...cuddle?" I heard him ask.
"Daniel...I'm with Zach," I reminded again.
"I know you're with Zach, you tell me all the time, but I'm not asking you to skinny dip with me, I'm asking you to cuddle with me in a friendly way," Daniel said.
I sighed and laid down, Daniel smiling because he was getting what he wanted. Daniel pulled me closer and I rested my head on his chest like I always used to. As we laid in silence, he began leaving kisses on my head, which made me shoot up.
"What? What's wrong?" Daniel asked, his right hand rubbing my arm.
"We can't do this," I said, rubbing over my face with my hands.
I stood up and picked up my phone, then started walking away. Daniel chased after me and stopped me.
"What? We were just cuddling, why are you so uptight? You act like we're strangers," Daniel said.
"I..Daniel, listen. Every single time I look at you, I see what I saw in high school. All of those memories, everything, the school dances, the arguments, the kisses, and then that night! That night should have never happened, Daniel, I don't know why we were so stupid!" I stressed out.
"You think that was stupid?" he asked, sounding hurt.
"No, no that's not what I meant."
"Well, what do you mean?"
"I mean that we need to distance ourselves. You are always going to be my best friend, no matter what, but I'm with Zach now. I still want to be your friend, but the cuddling and the kisses and the constant touching each other has to stop. We're not like we were in high school anymore and it just has to end," I explained.
"Distance ourselves?  Are you fucking kidding me? Charlie Copeland I am your best fucking friend. I have been here for everything, I know more about you than anyone else. I know you are with Zach, but that doesn't mean you get to throw our friendship away! I was just kissing your head! We're friends! Okay, I was just giving you some friendly kisses. Stop acting like I'm in love with you!" he yelled.
"But you shouldn't. We shouldn't! Skylar was asking me all this stuff about us! It's obvious that there is tension between us, but there shouldn't be!" I yelled back.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I don't know, Char, how do you want me to act? Do you want me to act like we don't have history? Do you want me to act like I never fucked you in high school? Do you want that?" he asked, angrily.
"Yes, Daniel. That is what I want."

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