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Daniel and I laid in each other's arms, breathless, for the second time this weekend. Marley and Zach are coming home tonight, so Daniel and I are making the most of our time together.
We made a mess in the kitchen this morning because we tried to make pancakes, but we ended up in a food fight. Daniel suggested we take a bath together, so we laid in the bathtub, which resulted in me falling asleep against his chest. Then, we did facemasks and ate a shit ton of strawberries while doing the face mask. We cuddled and watched old Disney movies and then danced around the kitchen. A slow Ed Sheeran song came on in the process, so Daniel pulled me close and we slow danced, just like the good old days.
We were going to just cuddle, but we ended up getting into a heated makeout session, which led to us having sex again. Not that I'm complaining, I got to make love with the love of my life.
We were kissing again as we laid in bed, but we suddenly heard the front door opening.
"Shit, that's Marley," Daniel said, my eyes growing wide.
We both shot out of bed and started jumping into our clothes. Daniel had his sweatpants on backwards and my bra wasn't on right, but all we cared about was that we weren't caught naked together.
"Hey, thanks for coming over this weekend, it was fun," Daniel whispered.
"I love you so much, Daniel," I whispered back.
We shared one more passionate kiss before I grabbed my bag and headed out his window.
"Hey," he stopped me.
I turned back and looked at him.
"Meet me at Manhattan Beach tomorrow. We can talk," he said.
I nodded and dashed back to him for one more kiss before darting out the window.

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