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Zach and Daniel's band had work to do today, so Skylar and I are just unpacking and hanging around.
"So, how was your day with Daniel?" she asked.
"It was good," I said, avoiding saying anything more.
I didn't want this to be a conversation. Daniel and I are nothing. I need everyone to get that straight in their heads.
"Did you two fuck, orrr?" she asked, eyeing me.
"Oh my god, no. I'm with Zach. Daniel and I are nothing, how many times do I have to tell you that?" I groaned.
"Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah, Zach this and Zach that. Why didn't you and Daniel just make it official a couple years ago?"
"Because. We don't work. He's my best friend and that's all."
"Yeah, your best friend that you fucked a couple times," she snorted.
I rolled my eyes and continued unpacking my clothes, trying to get Daniel off my mind. I wish I could turn back time to that day in the treehouse when he kissed me. I would have pushed him off so that I wouldn't have to deal with a tornado of emotions now.
Skylar and I finished unpacking and then laid on the couch until the front door opened and in walked Zach, Daniel, and Corbyn.
"Corbyn!" I screeched, jumping off the couch and running to my friend. I hugged him tight and then moved to Zach. I gave Zach a kiss and then went to the couch and cuddled with him there. Skylar and Corbyn were both occupied on their phones, not paying attention to anything else. Zach and I were occupied with each other, just talking and flirting and being a cute couple. I looked out of my peripheral vision to see Daniel watching us, a sense of unsettlement surrounding him.
"Babe, we should have a picnic on the beach tomorrow since I don't have to work," Zach suggested and I instantly saw Daniel tense up.
Picnics are kind of special to Daniel and I, but I wasn't about to tell Zach no.
"Yeah, we should."
A little while ago, Corbyn went home and Skylar went to her room to facetime someone. I cuddled with Zach as we talked and talked, just catching up.
Zach eventually got up to go to the bathroom and change into comfier clothes, which was just enough time for Daniel to lose his mind.
"Picnics are our thing. You fucking know that," he growled.
"Get over it, Daniel."
"Fine, I'm fucking leaving. I can't even stand to look at you after what you said yesterday," he grumbled.
I watched, in shock, as he glared at me and then left, leaving me distressed.
I wiped my eyes, as tears were welled in them from the way Daniel spoke to me. I trudged upstairs and crawled into Zach's bed, ready for some sleep. Zach walked in and laid next to me, kissing my cheek.
"Tired, baby?" he asked.
"Yeah. Cuddles?"

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