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I squinted my eyes as they opened, my head on fire. I looked around confused until I realized what had happened.
I'm in Daniel's bed, except I'm still fully dressed. I must have gotten drunk and came here because I'm still dressed and Daniel isn't next to me. In fact, his side of the bed is still pretty neat and clean.
I threw the covers off and went into his bathroom where I raided the cabinet for ibuprofen. I found some and took the pills, praying that my headache would go away.
I slowly rounded the corner to see Daniel and his girlfriend, Marley, cuddled into each other on the couch. She was playing with his rings and he was kissing her head over and over again.
I moved back behind the wall and blinked my tears away. My heart has been broken, but I think that sight just made the broken pieces break into even smaller pieces.
Once I was calm enough, I rounded the corner and smiled slightly.
"Oh, hey, Charlie. There's Ibuprofen in the bathroom," he said, giving me a look of pity.
"I know, I got some. Um...whatever happened last night..I'm sorry. I'll get the hell outta here, but thanks for not leaving my ass on the streets," I said, then wiped a tear that mistakenly fell.
"Oh, Jesus, Charlie, come here," Daniel said.
I was confused until Daniel stood up and walked over to me and hugged me tight. I started bawling my eyes out into his bare chest, feeling like an absolute idiot.
"You can stay for breakfast and I'll take you home whenever. Don't act like we're strangers, Char. We might have had some rough patches, but I'm always here for you," he assured.
"I'm so stupid, Daniel, I'm so fucking sorry. I..whatever I did or said last night, I'm so fucking sorry. I was so drunk, I just went where I felt loved," I cried, my arms wrapped around Daniel's torso so tight that he probably couldn't breathe.
"It's okay. Don't apologize, it's okay. C'mon, come outside with me," he said, pulling me to his front porch where we sat on the bench out front.
We were silent, our hands laced together tightly.
"Daniel, I'm a fucking mess!" I cried.
"Tell me something I don't know. Listen to me. I know Zach is going to visit his family this weekend and it just so happens that Marley is going to also be out of town this weekend. Stay at my place this weekend. I think you and I could use some alone time, if you know what I mean," he said quietly.
"Really? But I thought we were done doing that, Daniel. I don't want to fall back into that whirlwind of feelings," I hesitated.
"Baby, you're already a mess. It won't make a difference. You asked me to kiss you last night, so I'm going to go out on a whim here and say that you miss me?" he guessed.
I nodded, tears dotting my eyes again.
"Hey, hey, don't cry. I miss you too, it's okay. We're gonna be fine. Just this one last time, we'll spend the weekend together and let all those feelings out before we finally move on," he assured.
"Gosh, I love you Daniel. Thank you for sticking with my dumbass. You're the best human in the world," I smiled.
"I love you too. Now, let's go get some breakfast and confuse my girlfriend with all of our inside jokes."
I leaned up and kissed his cheek before we went inside and attempted to make waffles.

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