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Zach and I spent the whole morning together. We made a shit ton of food and then took it to the beach for a picnic, which I made sure to put on social media so that Daniel would see it.
After our picnic, Zach went to hang out with some of his friends, so I decided to see what Corbyn was doing.
He wasn't busy, so we met up at a local bookstore and got coffee.
"So, what's up? I haven't seen you in forever," Corbyn smiled.
"I'm glad school's done. It was exhausting. And I'm happy I'm here. I really missed you and Zach," I replied.
"What about Daniel? Thought you would miss him the most," Corbyn asked, confused.
"Yeah..um...him too."
Corbyn stared me down, knowing that something was wrong.
"Alright, what the hell is up with you two? You're not acting normal, are you and Daniel fighting?" Corbyn asked.
"Um..kind of, yeah. Can we go to your car, I don't wanna say this here," I said.
Corbyn nodded and we took our coffee to his car.
"So, tell me. What's happening?"
"God, Corbyn, I'm such a fucking trainwrek," I said, letting my tears make an appearance.
I've been here for under a week and I'm already falling apart because of Daniel.
Corbyn grasped my hand, staring at me sadly.
"I...I don't know what to do, Corbyn. I love Zach so much, I really do, but everytime I look at Daniel, I remember what we used to have back in high school and it just...um..I don't know, but it makes me feel like I...um like maybe...I...I have feelings for Daniel," I admitted, breaking down more once I said it.
"I know. I know you have feelings for him. Listen, what you and Daniel had was no joke. I know it's hard too, because of Zach," Corbyn said.
"I just..Corbyn, I don't want to love him, but...but I think I do. I think that I love Daniel," I sobbed, pressing my head into Corbyn's shoulder.
"Shh, don't cry. Listen, I don't know too much about love, but I do know that you always have to follow your heart. Your heart is always right," Corbyn whispered as he rubbed my back for comfort.
"What are you supposed to do when you don't know what your heart wants?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that I really really love Zach and I love being his girlfriend, but at the same time, I'm going to love Daniel for the rest of my life," I explained.
"That's a tough one. Personally, I believe in soulmates, so I think that whoever you're meant to be with, you will end up with. It'll all be okay, it might be a rough ride, but it will all be okay," Corbyn assured.
"I really have no idea what I would do without you, Corbs. You're the best," I said, then leaned over to hug him.

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