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I sat on the beach next to Daniel on a Friday night, our usual picnic food in front of us. We ate takeout spaghetti and then ate chocolate chip cookies and now we have two bottles of wine. Typically, we drink one glass each, but I'm currently on my third glass.
Daniel began telling me about this girl he is talking to. He explained that he is going to ask her to be his girlfriend tomorrow.
"She's just so funny and she has great eyes and she's just so fucking fun to be around. I'm so nervous to ask her to be my girlfriend, I don't want to fuck this up," he rambled.
"You won't. I'm sure she'll say yes," I replied, downing the rest of my third glass.
I reached for the bottle and poured myself a fourth glass as Daniel continued talking about his new crush.
"She told me that she thinks my smile is cute and we danced and then she kissed me at the party and I think I like...fell in love or something. She's so pretty, Char, I can't wait for you to meet her," he continued babbling on.
I smiled and then chugged the whole glass. I reached for the bottle and started pouring more, but Daniel grabbed my wrist.
"Easy there, you don't want a wine headache tomorrow," he said, trying to pull the bottle back.
I rolled my eyes and yanked the bottle away, filling my glass up again.
"Are you okay?" he asked, watching as I started drinking away.
"Yeah, I'm good."
"Charlie Lily Copeland, don't you fucking dare lie to me," he warned.
"I'm just kinda tired, I promise I'm fine," I replied.
"Why won't you tell me?"
"Oh my god, Daniel, drop it!" I snapped, a little too harshly.
"Fine, whatever," he answered.
He started packing our stuff up and took it to his car. He walked back to me, snatched the glass from my hand and poured all my wine in the sand.
"Oh, screw you," I groaned.
He walked away and I slowly followed behind.
The car ride home was silent and only said a quick goodbye before hopping out of the car and running into the house.
Nothing even happened, yet I feel like Daniel and I are in opposite universes again.

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