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I sat on Zach's balcony, downing yet another mango White Claw. I was feeling tipsy, but I wasn't thinking about Daniel, so I was fine with it.
Skylar walked out and sat down next to me, holding her hand out, which I occupied with a beer can.
"So, why are you day drinking?" she asked, cracking the can open.
I wasn't up to tell anyone besides Corbyn the things I'm feeling. I regret telling Corbyn because he will probably check up on me all the time now, but it's too late to do anything now.
"I don't know, just feel like it ."
We stayed silent until we heard a bunch of noise from inside the house. We both turned to see Corbyn, Daniel, and Zach's other bandmate, Jonah, all inside the house.
"I'm gonna go say hi, wanna come?" Skylar asked.
"No, I'm just gonna stay here," I replied.
She nodded and left me alone to continue to unintelligible drinking.
The sliding glass door opened, but I didn't budge. I didn't care.
"Are you seriously drinking again?"
It's Daniel.
"What's it to you?" I asked.
"It's not healthy, why are you fucking doing this?" he asked, kicking at my empty beer cans.
"Cause I can. Why aren't you? Here, want one?" I asked, holding out a beer.
"No! No, I don't fucking want one! Are you losing your mind?" he shrieked.
He sighed and sat down next to me, but he didn't say anything for a while.
"Are we good? I mean, like, everything's cool after what happened at the picnic?" he asked.
"Just fucking peachy," I scoffed.
"Ok, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?" he asked, shooting up from his spot on his chair.
"I'm literally not even doing anything! Can you please just fucking leave me alone!" I exclaimed.
"Fine, if that's what you want."
He went back inside and I threw my empty beer can down before grabbing my phone and running inside the house and upstairs. I slammed Zach's door behind me and went straight into his bed where I started sobbing harshly into his pillow.
Everything was fine until Daniel showed up. He ruins everything.
Of course I couldn't be left alone to cry either because as if on cue, Corbyn waltzed right in the door and laid down next to me.
"Leave me alone," I grumbled, even though I enjoyed the way Corbyn was rubbing my back.
"Are you sure?"
"No, please stay."
Corbyn stayed, but he didn't say anything. He just knew. Corbyn and I are close, so he definitely knows when to talk and when to just be there for me in silence. Not a single human knows me the way Daniel does, but Corbyn is close enough.
"Corbs, I feel so sick," I sobbed, balling his shirt up in my hands.
"Like sick sick or just lovesick?"
"I don't know, I did just drink a lot," I said, feeling the vomit rising in my throat.
Corbyn sighed, knowing what was about to happen. He grabbed the plastic trash can next to Zach's desk and gave it to me. Corbyn grabbed my hair and rubbed my back as I brought up all the beer I just drank. My stomach and my throat burned, but the only thing on my mind was Daniel.
Corbyn took the bin away when I was done and took it to the bathroom. I was alone for a few minutes until he came back with the bin, which was now clean, a water bottle, and a stick of mint gum.
"Gosh, you're making yourself sick over him. You can't do this to yourself, hun," he said, continuing to rub my back.
"I wish I never met him," I growled, ripping my fingers through my hair.
"Hey, hey, stop. Don't rip your hair like that. And don't you say that. You need Daniel," he reminded.
"I don't want to need him. I hate him but I fucking love him," I sobbed again.
"Ok, hey, shh. Don't get yourself worked up again, you'll make yourself throw up again," Corbyn shushed.
"What do I do, Corbs?" I asked.
"Honey, I wish I could tell you, but I don't know. I do know that you can't do this to yourself," he said.
I only nodded weakly and then laid down, Corbyn covering me up and sending me a comforting smile before leaving me alone to sleep.
Didn't get an ounce of shut eye the whole night.

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