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"Zach! You're home!" I yelled as I ran into my boyfriend's loving embrace.
"I'm home! How was it here?" he asked after we kissed.
"It was fine, I missed you though," I answered.
He smiled and we went up to his room to relax in bed for a little while. Zach turned on Netflix and we watched a movie, cuddling close to each other.
"Hey, Corbyn texted me yesterday and told me there's a party up in Glendale tonight. I was wondering if you wanna go?" he asked.
"I would love to. What time?" I asked.
"Oh, um..it starts around six thirty," he replied.
I checked the clock to see that it was nearing six O'clock, so I got up and started getting ready. I dug a blue mini skirt and a white top out of my luggage and went to the bathroom and changed. Skylar decided to come too, so we did our makeup together. I curled my hair and added all my accessories before meeting Zach at his front door.
We rode up to the party in an Uber so that none of us could even try driving home if we end up drunk. When we got out, it was already getting dark out, so we hurried up to the house and inside to get drinks. I hadn't been to this house before, but it was huge and the party looked like a whole lot of fun.
The night went on and I was drunk dancing with Zach while Skylar took a video of it. I smiled, I was genuinely happy and stress free and it wasn't just from the alcohol. I was happy because everything is good with me and Daniel. He's okay and I'm okay and my relationship with Zach is okay.
I excused myself from the dance floor so that Skylar and I could go to the bathroom. We walked up the bathrooms, but I stopped dead in my tracks, looking like a deer in headlights.
There was Daniel, liplocked with some random bitch. I felt like throwing up, but I internally slapped myself across the face.
I have absolutely no reason to be jealous. I told him things between us are over and I have a boyfriend. He's allowed to kiss whoever he wants.
I repeated that over and over again in my head while I laid in bed that night, but I couldn't shake the odd feeling of heartbreak.

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