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Lalisa's P.O.V

I was resting my head on Jungkook's shoulder feeling sleepy, and him caressing my head is not helping.

We heard the clinic's door opened, I saw Jisoo unnie holding Tzuyu's waist and Jennie unnie on the back.

We stand up and guided them to sit down, Jungkook called the nurse and she help tzuyu with the check ups and medicines.

"How is she unnie?" I ask worriedly "She's okay now Lisa, she just need to rest, we'll take her home don't worry..." Jisoo unnie said and walk towards Jungkook.

"And you, take her home immediately, I don't want any babies running towards Lisa inside the school!" Jisoo unnie said pointing her pretty little fingers close at Jungkook's face making Jungkook eyes met between.

Me and Jennie unnie laugh real hard clutching our stomach, Tzuyu is giggling cutely.

Jungkook cleared his throat and put his hands inside his pocket.

"I...I...wi-will!" He said stuttering, we laugh again and he glared at me.

"You're scared at Jisoo unnie aren't you?" I ask laughing.

His eyes widen and shake his head repeatedly "What?! No! No! I am not scared of her!" He said acting all brave.

We all rolled our eyes and leave him alone standing.

"Yah Doll! Wait for me!" He said catching up with us, walking beside me.


"See you at School unnies, Tzuyu!" I said waving my hands at them, the car drive ahead leaving me and Jungkook behind.

He gently grab my hand and led me to his car, he started the engine and drive home.

"Lisa your home, how's your girls hang out?" My mom said like a excited kid.

I smile and tell them everything, they got worried about Tzuyu but I told them she's okay now and she already drink her medicine.

I yawn a bit and my eyes slowly closing, everything went black and all I remember is Jungkook carrying me upstairs.


I heard a loud voices downstairs, I slowly opened my eyes seeing my room peacefully quiet.

The loud shouting downstairs didn't stop, I got annoyed and messed my hair.

I put my slippers on and slowly walk outside making the whinings louder than ever.

I watch them from above seeing them fighting over a little thing is fun, I crossed my arms with a smile on my lips.

"We should chose something romantic and cheesy!" Liezel said kinda annoyed.

"Oh no, spooky is better." Bambam said crossing his arms.

"Guys silent!" Father ordered and everyone shot their mouth.

"We should let Jungkook decide, beside it's..." I didn't let mom finish her word as I am curious at what they're fighting about.

"What's happening here?" I ask as I walk down the stairs.

Their attention came to me and their reaction were priceless, it was like they saw a ghost inside the house, like am I a ghost in their eyes?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I was worried if they're posessed, I step back concious that they may attack me any time soon.

"Lisa, baby you're awale already?" Jungkook ask surprised and it's so weird.

"Ummm yeah...why do you want me sleep forever?" I ask in a 'duh' tone sluping my arms down.

I was weiarded out as why they are acting like this, like they are keeping a secret from me.

"What! No of course not, what are you thinking huh?" He ask as if my idea is the most worst idea he ever heard.

"Because you were all shock to see me there...perhaps a...secret your hiding me!" I said a bit loud glaring at them one by one.

Their face was replaced with aw "Wow! our pokpak is so cute!" Bambam said pinching the air imagining his self pinching my chubby cheeks.

I give them a dusgusted looks "Ahhh should eat first, we're already finish make sure to make our baby bealthy." He said leading me in the kitchen and my eyes widen at the word baby, the fudge was that! I slap his arm and he wince in pain, he didn't say anything and just serve me the food.

But though, I new there something fishy happening, they are hiding something from me and I have to figured out what? That's right I have to investegate.

I laugh like a devil and I the food got stuck in my throat, I choke and Jungkook worriedly run close to me, he gently caress my back and I forcely swallowed the food in my stomach.

"Are you okay baby?" He ask worriedly.

"Yeah I am fine, just a karma." I said and he laugh, I role my eyes and eat slowly, that was traumizing for me.

"What time is it?" I ask, he stop caressing my back and look at his watch.

"It's almost 8 baby, do you want to sleep now?" He ask and I nod.

I wash the dishes and we proceed inside my room.

I rest my head on his chest and he played with my hair, my eyes got sleepy and I slowly close my eyes but before everything went black I heard a husky voice saying 'I love you'.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I was caressing her hair when I saw her slowly closing her eyes, I smile, I can't believe that this girl beside me will be mine very soon and I can't wait marry her after that.

"I love you doll, I hope you'll accept my confession when I did oneday." I said closing my eyes imagining a happy family with her.

She's the only girl I need, no one can ever replace her to me, no one can replace my love for her, cause I will forever love her no matter what happens and I hope it's also me she'll always chose and love till the end of our life.

I love her and that will never change, I will do everything for her to accept me and for her to be mine already.

I slept beside her with smile on my sleeps, the day I've been waiting for is gonna happen soon and I can't wait for it happen.

I will confess my feelings and ask her to be my beloved girlfriend.

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