Still You

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"Kiss my lips Lisa."

"This is not funny anymore kook... Let me go!" I whisper trying my best to calm myself. "Do I look like joking Lisa?" He look at me seriously.

I was about to talk when I heard Rosè shout from below "Guys! The food is getting cold! You better get down here right now!"

I look at Jungkook who's also staring at me "Ready your lips cause we're not finish yet baby... Tell me when your lips are ready to met mine." He said to my ears seductively that gives electric shock to my body.

He grab the door knob and get out. I release a long relieve sigh and stood at my feet frozen, still managing to occupy everything. This is unbelievable, why do you have to make things hard. Breaking my heart is enough but making me fall for you again is not acceptable.

After standing in-front of my door for a minute, I decided to walk downstairs and face them... especially him.

"What took you so long Lisa?" Rosè ask that make me question myself too. Why? "I-I cl-clean my room." I stutter in-front of them and saw him smirking at me "You do?" Rosè doubt me "Yeah. Are you doubting my hard working self?" I said acting disappointed "Hard working my ass Lis." Rosè tease me which cause my lips to pout. Seriously? Why do you have to lick your kissable lips your making the my atmosphere hot.

I sat beside Rosè and start eating. "Here Rosè say Ahh." He look at me with his challenging smirk which cause me to smile sarcastically.

I cleared my throat trying to lessen my awkward atmosphere. Rosè look at me worried "Are you okay Lis?" I look at the both of them not knowing what to say " Okay?... Yeah I am okay." I doubt myself.

As I was eating peacefully, they were flirting loudly in-front of me. I get pissed and jealous which cause me to lost my appetite.

I look at Jungkook with my coldest stare. He look at me surprise and a bit scared but also worried. I ate again and dismissed them.

And just like before the two start flirting again. I stand in the table that cause my chair to make a loud thud in the whole house. "I am going to my room" I said plainly and stormed out of the kiychen.

Before my eyes officially left them. I saw Jungkook looking at me with a guilty face. That's right you f*cker, you should feel guilty for flirting with my best friend in-front of my eyes.

I stumbled myself in my bed and throw my head on the pillow. I let all my emotion out. I cry all the pain in my heart. I hate you. This is all your fault. I shout at my best friend because of you. Why do you have to flirt in-front of me? As I was crying really hard I didn't realise I already slept and visit my dreamland.

I open my eyes just to be greeted by Rosè's sad face "Your awake!" She said surprise as if I slept for a long time. I sat on my bed and face Rosè "Yes I am awake." Rosè is still looking at me as if she was about to cry "Lisa, I am really sorry for disrespecting you earlier... I am really sorry Lisa... I didn't mean to do it in-front of you, I was just- just blind by Kookie's cuteness... please forgive me... I promise to you that I won't do it again!" Rosè keep on apologising almost crying.

"It's not your fault Rosè, I was just pissed because Jungkook keep on flirting with you in-front of my eyes... I get it his sweet but- but can't he...nevermind" She look at me feeling sorry. I smile at her to reassure her that it's okay.

Rosè left my room after apologising. I was about to close my eyes when my phone rang in my ears very loudly, indicating that someone is calling. I grab my phone forcedly. "What do you want?" I ask in annoyance but I receive a calm and soothing tone. That voice... it sound familiar. "How are you doll." He ask.

"Jungkook?" I ask in disbelief "The one and only." I heard he chuckled cutely on the other line "As I said 'What do you want'? I ask coldly "Don't be too rude doll... I just want to check if your okay." He ask me "I am fine, thank you." I answer him directly. "And also, apologise... I am sorry for- for everything I have done earlier." He apologise.

"That's all." I said expecting some more explanation from you "Fine! I mean everything that happen, I want to see you jealous, I want to see how I affect you, I want to see... see if you still like me." He said as if I am happy hearing you telling the truth. Your making it harder for me to move on.

"What did you get huh?! Did you get what you want! Fine! Yes I am jealous! And I accept it! But you don't have to make me look like the third wheel, You don't have... you don't have to act like I am just no one sitting beside your girlfriend!" I shout all the information on the phone trying my best not to cry and stutter.

After five minutes of silence he talk "I am sorry Lisa, I mean it... I am really sorry." You can't fool me with your sweet talk. Stop with your sh*t. Stop playing with me. I want to shout those words in his face but I can't because I respect him even if he don't respect me back.

I was about to hang up but he stop me by his speech. My whole world froze and finally my tears start falling like a rain.

"I still like you Lalisa... I always care for you. I love you... and will always love you no matter what happened. Even if I marry someone else, you will always remain in my heart."

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