Jealous Much

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"Stay away from her."



"Drop the topic guk." Said Rosè. I am beyond nervous right now, I dont know what to say, I dont know what to do, how can I say this?

'Rosè lets break up. I love Lisa not you. Lets just be friends, I hope you'll find the right guy who can make you happy.'

Wait what? No! Thats too cringey. I need to come up with a I think speech, I get it. I need to plan a speech, a comfortable one like...

"Babe I am asking you what are we going to talk about?" Rosè cut my thoughts with her sweet tone.

"You see Rosè, your a very sweet person, your very jolly and kind thats why I like you but I dont deserve you Rosè, you deserve someone better. I cant love you the way you do, I am not worth it for you so break up with me and live a life without me, be happy with someone else." I said seriously guilty for using her. Dont judge me I didn't mean anything to happened.

"Are you... are you bre-breaking up with me?" Rosè said I dont know if shes about to cry all I know is shes very sad.

" wait no, your the one whos supposed to break up with me." I said trying to convinced her to break up with me. At least that way I wont be feeling guilty. Punk you have to be its all your fault after all.

"What do you mean?" She said and shes about to cry I can see her teary eyes.

"Oh sht! No! Dont cry please... what I mean is you dont deserve me I cant love you the way you want, so please dont cry I am begging you dont cry." I beg. Lisa wont forgive me if she does.

"Why?! Why do you want me to break up with you?! I thought you love me kook? Why are doing this to me?!" She blurted out that left me shock. Ok...ay I didn't expect that, this is not the think that I think it is.

She started to cry hard on her knees. Now I am dead. I felt really guilty for using her, she needs an explanation so I will give it to her.

~Back to reality~

I am seriously dead, Lisa will surely kill me when she knows that Rosè cry because of me. I really felt guilty for what I did also nervous at the same time.

I am now inside the car driving, I have to tell Lisa what happened before she comesback home letting Rosè explain everything.

Rosè is someone especial to me, in the short period of time she tried to make me happy even though I am not.

I am thankful that she stayed by my side despite the way I treated her. I got guilty thats why I planned to buy her a gift which is a bracelet and treat her outside as a sorry for my attitude.

I was lost in thoughts when I saw Lisa talking with a boy that I almost hit my car into another one. Fudge this! Why is Lisa talking with a boy?! Is she cheating on me- oh wait shes not my girlfriend...not yet, I'll let her graduate first in thailand.

I immediately got out of the car and slumped the door hard that cause a loud bang. Your not mad! Your not jelous! So calm down self!

I storm behind them with a heavy step. They are so close to each other like they've been friends for years with benifits- scratch that, its making my blood boil in Million degrees celcious.

As I get nearer my veins startet to popped out. Why didn't I realise that the boy is the perverted guy whos about to touch Lisa in the cafè where shes working.

Why is Lisa enjoying his presence when his absolutely the one who eye fck her. I am literally beyond mad right now. How dare he!

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" I said completely glaring at the boy. I look at Lisa whos shocked at my presence and I can see she's nervous because I am mad, really mad. I need an explanation even if there is nothing like us (There's nothing like us, there's nothing like you and me, togethere through the storm~)

"Do want a black eye or what?! What are you doing with her?! Are you trying to rape her huh?!" I shout at his face which made him back away and look at Lisa asking for help. Ashole she wont help you after what you did!

"Kook calm down, dont be rude to Sehun he didn't mean it." My mouth hung open feeling betrayed, how can she choose this ugly man side over me, her soon to be boyfriend whos soon to be her husband and the father of her child!

This is unbelievable! "Why are you defending this ugly duck?!" I ask in disbelief feeling annoyed and mad while they are looking at me shocked as if I made a sinful thing.

"Hes not that ugly kook, look hes so handsome like a young teenager-" I glared at her which made her stop from talking.

"I am sorry to interupt but-" I too glare at this Sehun guy with the coldest stare I can give. "I am not talking to you and Lisa is not talking to you, shes just defending you which is a lie because your not handsome at all!" I said before grabbing Lisa's hand and drag her in my car, but before that I saw how shock and mad Sehun is which made me smirk in victory.

I put my sitbelt on and look at Lisa before starting to drive. Oh man holy doll! Why is Lisa looking at me like that. She can't kill me right? She can't, she loves me but shes looking at me  like a murderer.

"He-y why a-re you lo-oking at me l-like th-that?" I said stuttering weirdly.

"We need to talk Mr. Jeon Jungkook."

Thank You
I may have non or less readers but thank you very much for the votes and reads.

I am actually a feature writer before and I dont know if I still has the ability to write stories like this but I believe I can so I am starting over again just like my saying:

"I may not be perfect and my works is probably the worst but nothing is wrong if you try your best and enjoy everything while working"

Lisa and Jungkook is my inspiration and motivation in this story

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