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"Kier, what are you trying to say?" Asked the raven haired boy as he approached the shorter red fringed boy in front of him who stuttered with every word.
"I-I'm trying to say that I like you Laurence. I mean, you know, like like you. I've liked you in a way a best friend probably shouldn't for a long time..."

Laurence's hand cupped Kier's cheek softly, running his thumb over the smooth skin, "I never knew you felt like this before, Kier. You should of told me sooner..."

"I'm Sorry..." Kier muttered, trying not to lean into the warm touch of his friend's hand. However, slowly he noticed Laurence leaning, "W-what are you-"

He was cut off by smooth lips sliding across his own in a dilicious and slow kiss that was everything they ever dreamed about it being like. Kier slid his arms around Laurence's neck while his arms were going around the smaller boy's waist.

After eventually pulling apart, Laurence spoke up, "Are we going to tell the Timids as they'll most likely to have something to say?"

Kier nodded. "We should. Let's have a small party with them and Luke at my place and we can tell them all then. Keveridge is real!" They both chuckled.

"Who knows, maybe those two will realise they are meant to be together."

Author's Note
So I know this start is short and keveridge but it has a purpose. There's awesomeness from the Timids to come soon, don't worry

If I keep running with my eyes closed (Timids +Keveridge fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now