Chapter 1

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What we never knew about each other

Allison POV.

It was a hot summer day in July and everything was great. I had my summer break from school after finishing my senior year in high school. I still had to moths before I started college and I was going to enjoy every bit of it. My best friend who was in the world known band One Direction was finally home from his US tour, and finally had to for me. We had been best friends since we were five and started in kindergarten. We were in the same class and had immediately hit it off. I have had a crush or maybe I should say feelings for him since we were 13, and now we had both turned 18. Today was the day I would move from Ireland to England. I was moving in with my best mate, Niall Horan.

I had packed all my things and were standing on the porch. The taxi was here and my dad had carried all bags into the truck. My parents were going to work since it was a normal Friday morning. I felt both happy and sad. I was excited about moving to London to live with my best friend, but I was gonna miss my friends and most of all my family and Best friend Jennifer. I hugged all of them goodbye. My parents kissed me on the cheek and I gave my sister my favorite bracelet so she wouldn’t forget me. I gave Jenny a ticket to London so she could come visit me and the guys. But the ticket were first to be used in August so I still had a month before she would come. She screamed in happiness when I gave her the ticket. She hugged me tighter and said: “I will see you next month Alli”. I went down to the cab after promising to Skype and call them when I had arrived at Nialls place.

The flight trip wasn’t that long, but I fell asleep anyway. I landed around 5 pm and went out to get my baggage. “Alli!” I heard someone yell and I turned around to see Niall run towards me. “Nialler” I yelled back and jumped on him. My legs were around his waist and we gave each other a tight hug. “Gosh it so amazing to see you Alli! Are you excited about London?” he said and smiling, putting me down. “it’s amazing to see you too Nialler! The past 6 months without you has been to long. And yeah of course I’m excited! But right now I’m kinda starving, so can we please go and grab some dinner?” I answered and he nodded yes. He quickly took my hand and squeezed it before we left. 

We got out to a big van, and before we got in it he stopped me asking: “Is it okay the guys comes with us?..I know I should had told you they were here, but I didnt know that work would take so long”. “Of course Nialler! I would also love to meet them, since you have kept them from me that last couple of years”I answered smiling and with a little wink. He laughed and opened the door to the van for me. I got in and sat beside at total stranger or I knew who he was. I sat beside Zayn Malik. He was really gorgeous with big brown eyes, black hair and light brown skin. He smiled at me and Niall got in beside me. That smile Zayn had sent me, had kinda given me butterflies. I ignored it and turned to Niall who smiled at me and said; “Well Guys this is Allison, but she prefers Alli. Alli this is Liam, Harry, Louis & Zayn. Oh and the guys at the passenger seat is Paul” he said pointing at everyone. I smiled and said: “Hi” to them all. Niall toke my hand and squeezed it, as the car started driving. 

Niall POV. 

Gosh it had been along time since I last saw Alli. She was still the beautiful and sweet girl I remembered. I was glad that she was moving in with me, it would be so nice to be able to see her all the time. Over the years that we had been friends, I had secretly got feelings for her. Our friendship means a lot to me, and since she dosent seem to feel that way about me I havent told her about my feelings. I was afraid of loosing her if I did. We were in the van and I had just introduced her to the guys. Thankfully they were all very polite. It would be real bad if they had scared her away on her first day here. Liam had asked her a few questions about college, and she had gladly answered. Louis just made some jokes, and Harry being his flirty self, had of course flirted a little with her. But as I saw it she didnt notice his flirting. Zayn had just sit there beside her quiet, as he asked her: “So Alli..So has anything ever happened between you and our Nialler? Cause he wont tell me himself!”. All the boys got quiet waiting for her answer. “No no we are just friends, right Nialler?” she said smiling at me, and I think I saw a little blush. I nodded yes and the guys started talking again. I started talking with Liam behind me, while Alli talked with Zayn.

Allison POV.

Everyone was really nice. Zayn had asked me a embarrassing question about me and Nialler, and everyone had got quiet. At least after I had answered it, everybody continued talking. Zayn was still turned towards me, and somehow we kept talking. I told him about me personal life, and he sometimes asked me some questions like: “Siblings?, Friends? & Boyfriend?”. I had blushed at the last question and told him, I was kinda behind with that part of my life. Or well I had, had one boyfriend Jason. He had been really sweet, and he had been my first everything, but suddenly he moved to the US. I had been devastated and Niall had been there for me. Zayn smiled and said: “Well, well and innocent girl. I like that!”. That had made me blush harder. I had asked him some questions back like: “Girlfriend? & Family?”. He had gladly answered. He was really sweet and I kept finding myself lost in his eyes. One time it was so obvious that I made him blush. “Sorry” I whispered and he took my hand lightly. It was warm, and I started down at our hands. “It okay! It actually kinda cute” he whispered back. Nobody seem to notice us and that was nice, considering us holding hands. We picked up some food at Nandoes. No surprise since Niall was in the car begging for it. I had just laughed at him. He had gotten embarrassed and where now tickling me. I laughed really bad and some how ended laying down in Zayns lap. He smiled down at me, and I looked from him to Niall. Niall looked disappointed and Zayn just smiled. Zayn was actually a little mysterious to me. He helped me get up in my seat again, just in time as we arrived at Nialls apartment. Niall smiled happy and said: “Finally here. Alli come I will show you your room!”. He took my hand leading me towards the apartment. We got in and he showed me around. Gosh it was huge. It had a big living room, a huge kitchen (of course), 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a big balcony. It was beautiful. Niall showed me into a light green room, my favorite color and he said: “This is were you will be staying. I hope you like it”. I smiled and hugged him. “I love it Niall” I whispered still hugging him, as someone cleared his throat. I pulled away and saw Zayn at the door. He was holding my suitcase and said: “You forgot this in the van”. I smiled and thanked him, before taking the suitcase placing it on my bed. After that I left the room going to grab dinner with the boys.

I had been a long, but still a fun day. The guys and I had been fulling around. Talking and doing a lot of crazy stuff. They were all really sweet. Zayn and I had already gotten a little close. They decided to stay for the night, just like a sleepover. Cause it had gotten really late, and they had, had a long day too. We decided to watch a scary movie, but first everybody had to be in there pj´s. I went into my room and got mine on( Just as I was walking back into the living room, I saw Harry and Zayn changing. I quickly blushed when they saw me. “Sorry” I kinda yelled and turned my back to them. Harry just chuckled and said: “Saw something you like love?”. I didnt even know what to answer him, so I just stayed quiet. Yes I had liked what I had seen, but I wasnt gonna admit it. Both Harry and Zayn had a great body. I heard them both laugh now. I waited for them to tell me it was okay to turn around, but they didnt. I just suddenly felt two hands on my waist turn me around. Surprisingly it was Zayn and not Harry. “Sorry if we uhm..embarrassed you” he said and gave me a little smile. I just blushed and laid my hands on Zayns. “Oh uhm..its okay” I answered. “Youre really beautiful Alli” he said whispering. I smiled and said surprisingly to myself: “You dont look so bad either”. He just chuckled and quickly removed from me, as all the guys came into the room.

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