Chapter 20

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What we never knew about each other.

Chapter 20. 

Allison POV.

I saw the desperate look on his face, as I walked in the room. “Uhm, I have to go do something..something important!” Zayn said, trying to leave. I stopped him by walking over and standing in the doorway. He looked annoyed. “We need to talk Zayn” I said once again. I took his hand and lead him to the couch. I felt his hand try to pull away, but I just held on to it stronger. We sat down and I looked at him. He kept looking at his hands, not wanting to look me in the eyes. 

Zayn POV.

I couldnt look her in the eyes. If I did all my feelings for her would explode and my heart would just be ripped out once again. Just the feeling of her holding my hand, were breaking me. I tried pulling away, but she just held onto me stronger. Why wouldnt she just leave me?. Why couldnt she not just stay away?.

Allison POV.

It annoyed me that he at least just couldnt look at me. He didnt have to look me in the eyes, but just look at me. I decided to just talk, since he kept silent. “Im sorry!” I said and his head shoot up. “Im sorry for hurting you! Im sorry all this has happened! Im sorry what we had got ruined! Im sorry I cant take you back, no matter how much we love each other! Im sorry Im so stubborn! But most of all Im sorry that both of or hearts are broken..and that yours got broken by me! Im sorry for hurting you, cause I still care for you..I still love you..Im just..just sorry” I said now crying. He were crying too and that made me feel even worse. “Im sorry too! Im sorry for cheating on you! Im sorry for breaking your heart! Im sorry for punching Niall! Im sorry that I couldnt be good enough for you! Im sorry that I did all this things to you! I love you and seeing you with Niall..its gonna hurt probably for a long time, but if your happy then I guess its okay. I just want the best for you..cause I love you” he said sobbing loud. 

Zayn POV.

I had finally told her, what I thought I couldnt say. Of course I loved her more than anything and still wanted her to be mine, but if she were happy then thats all I could ask for. “Stay with Niall! But if you guys ever come to an end..then I will always be here, ready to take you back! I will always love you Alli!” I said and she just looked shocked at me, but happy. “But can we still be friends..?”She asked stuttering really nervous. I nodded yes and she smiled big getting closer to hug me. She hugged me tight and whispered in my ear: “Thank god Zayn! I thought you wouldnt want to be near me ever again!”. She then noticed me not hugging her back and pulled away. She looked hurt. “Sorry…but feeling you this close and knowing I will never get more than a hug is tough! Its gonna take some time for me to get used too” I told her. She looked sad, a little sorrow in her eyes. She nodded understandingly and we got up to go see the others. She gave me one quick last hug. 

Niall POV.

Allison and Zayn came back 15 minutes later, and they seemed like they were friends again. They talked, but we could all still see the pain in their eyes. I felt bad for Zayn. I had stole the love of his life. Unfortunately she is the love of my life too. The both smiled weakly and we old felt relived. Finally we could all start hanging out again, without complications. I knew that Zayn would might not be the most happy person the next maybe long time, but somehow I knew he would find another girl. A girl that would make him almost as happy, as Allison could make him. As much as she can make me. The both looked at me smiling and I knew we were all good again. I smiled back and hurried over to hug Zayn. He hugged me back lightly and I apologized. I then took Allison´s hand and we all sat down talking, while it were now Louis turn in the booth. I finally knew that everything were good again. 

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