Chapter 17

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What we never knew about each other. 

Chapter 17.

Allison POV. 

I had been staying in bed for two days now, and I couldnt take it anymore. I decided to go for a run and then maybe later go over to Zayn. After all I missed him and I still loved him. I needed to talk with him, needed to hear his voice. I hadnt talked to Niall that much, he knew I wanted to be alone. I had talked with him for an hour earlier today together with Liam. Liam knew about everything that was going on, even me and Nialls kiss on the roof. I had told them I was still with Zayn and that we just needed some time apart. Liam had been awfully quiet, like he knew something but wasnt telling it. I got out of bed and got dressed in my running clothes( I went out on the street and ran. I ran until I couldnt anymore and then walked the last piece home. I had been nice running. Getting all my thoughts out of my head for a little while. I got home to my and Nialls apartment and took a long hot shower. I got dressed( and went to eat lunch. I ate together with Niall in silence. We hadnt talked about the kiss, so we were kinda awkward together in the same room. We both wanted each other, but it wasnt right. Not in all this drama. I finished and told him bye, before heading over to Zayns place. I walked over there to calm my nerves on the way. I was so nervous cause what if he still didnt want to see me. I got there and knocked on his door, no answer. I had seen his car, so I know he is home. He could be sleeping maybe. I decided to see if the door was locked and to my luck it wasnt. I went inside and called out his name, with still no answer. I checked the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, the balcony and last I went to his bedroom door. It was closed and quiet behind it. I felt weird about this, so I knocked on the door lightly. “Zayn?” I said still no answer. I opened the door to find something I wish I had never seen. My heart broke into a million pieces. There Zayn was laying on his bed naked with some blond bimbo. For the first time in 3 days tears came falling down my cheeks. They clearly had sex last night. OMG this shouldnt be happening. He told me he would never do that to me, and I trusted him not to. I knew he was hurt, but it couldnt compare to how I was feeling right now. “How could you do this!?” I yelled out to both a surprise for Zayn and me. I threw the photo frame from his  dresser at him. He looked shocked and guilt showed in his eyes. He looked at the girl and realized what he had done, but I didnt care. I pulled myself together and ran out of there and down the street. 

Zayn POV. 

I had a few days to myself thinking everything through alone. I had talked to Liam one time and hanged a little out with Louis and Harry. I had told them about me and Alli. They were sorry for me, but it didnt help at all. I decided to go clubbing with them and get so waisted I wouldnt remember a thing the next day. Not knowing I would regret it.

I woke up to Allisons familiar voice yell: “How could you do this!?”. Her voice was full of pain. I looked at the naked girl beside me and noticed I was naked myself. Oh God! I had sex with this girl last night. I just cheated on Alli. The worst way you could ever cheat, the unforgivable way. Allison were crying and the blonde girl beside me just looked confused at us. I didnt get to say or do anything, before Allison threw the photo frame with a picture of me and her at me. She then ran out leaving me with the blonde girl. “GET OUT NOW!!” I yelled at the girl as I got dressed quickly. She looked scared and got up getting dressed too, before leaving in a hurry. I got out and grabbed my car keys and drove down the street. I hoped to catch Allison on the way to hers and Nialls apartment. I didnt see her on the way, so I knew she had taken the quick way through the park. I have lost her? havent I. I dont know. All I know is I have done something unforgivable and how can I make up for that. I actually cant, I just hope that somehow she will maybe forgive me. At least I hope she wont leave me. I drove over to her apartment with 100 thoughts running through my mind. I didnt remember last night that much. Its all a blur. All Im sure of is that I slept with that girl and I regret it so much. The possibility of her maybe not forgiving me is so big it tore me apart. I kept driving an soon arrived at her and Nialls apartment.

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