Chapter 16

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What we never knew about each other.

Chapter 16.

Allison POV.

I walked down the hallway looking for the elevator. I had made my mind. I love Niall, so why not give him a chance to explain himself. Hear him say in words that he loves me. My head is spinning and I feel torn. I dont know if this is the right thing to do, but my heart is telling me to go meet him. I feel bad about betraying Zayn like this. He loves me and I love him too. Still no matter what my feelings for Niall is stronger, even thou I try to push them away. I found the elevator and hurried in it. I better get up there before Zayn sees me. I knew I would have to talk to Zayn too later. I pressed the button to the roof and the elevator started moving slowly. It took 30 seconds to get up there, but it felt like an eternity. The elevator door opened and I walked out. I entered the cold fresh air in the night. I were freezing a little since I had no jacket on. I walked over to the edge to look out over the city. It was such a beautiful view. All the city lights all over town. Its was like looking at the stars in the sky, just with a lot more stars. 

Niall POV.

We finished singing More Than This and I took a quick look at Zayn out of the corner of my eye. He looked kinda pissed, I guess he knows who Im talking about. We had to continue singing to songs more. We finished the concert and I rushed of the stage, with Zayn following me close behind. “Niall STOP NOW!”Zayn yelled running after me. I stopped as he asked me to and I turned around. He stopped running too a few meters away from me. “Is it true? Do you love her?” he whispered. I nodded yes and he looked both mad and sad. “Niall please dont take her away from me! I love her!” he said this time loud enough for the whole hallway to hear. The other guys had followed us and heard what Zayn said. I looked to the ground and said: “Im sorry Zayn! I love her too! And she deserves to make a choice! Decide who she wants!”. Again he looked pissed. “So youre saying that you dont care about taking her away from me! She is just supposed to chose and you dont mind about that?” Zayn said sounding really angry. “Im sorry Zayn! I-I need to go for a few minutes..” was all I could say. I left them all standing  there, looking so surprised of my choice of actions. I felt bad and guilty. For the god sake I love her, why does all this has to be so complicated. I found the elevator and took it up to the roof. She better be there, giving me a chance to explain.

Allison POV.

I wait for around ten minuets starring out over the city. I then heard the ding of the elevator announcing its presence. I turned around slowly to see Niall walk out of it. He saw me and smiled big. I smiled a little too. He walked closer to me in silence and saw I had the jewellery box in my hands. “Do you like it?” he asked shyly. I nodded yes and said: “Its beautiful”. “Not as beautiful as you!” he said back smiling and blushing. “Well I better just cut to the chase I guess! I-I Love you Alli! I have loved you all this time, just afraid that if I told you, that our friendship would be ruined! Cause I never thought you had feelings for me too, like Liam says you does! He better be telling the truth about that! Do-do you love me?” he said looking me straight in the eye, not losing contact. “I do love you NIall! Its just Im with Zayn right know and it would be wrong to just leave him like that! I-I love him too! Not as much as I love you, but I-I..” I said not knowing how to continue. I had watched his huge smile when I said I loved him, turn into a face full of sorrow. “I guess that means you will stay with him..”Niall whispered, in a voice full of pain. “I dont know what Im gonna do Niall! Im so confused and torn! For the god sake I love you both! You dont know how hard this is for me!” I yelled, while letting a tear escape my now teary eyes. This is so awful. What am I gonna do? I cant even answer that myself. He quickly came closer and dried the tear away with his thumb. “Im sorry for making you upset Alli! I never meant for this to happen! For this love triangle to happen!” he whispered. I didnt say anything. We locked eyes and he blushed asking: “You love me more?”. I nodded yes blushing too. “Then please let me try something! Maybe it will help you chose what to do..” he whispered and I kept looking him in the eyes, not saying anything. He placed his hands on my hips pulling me closer. I laid my hands on his chest, our eyes still locking. We stood like that for a minute or two and then he leaned forward. Is he gonna kiss me?. Oh gosh this is gonna make everything even worse, but I want him to kiss me. No I shouldnt want that, it would be wrong. For the god sake Im together with Zayn, Zayn is my boyfriend not Niall. He leaned closer and closer to me. I didnt move. I closed my eyes and felt his lips press onto mine. This kiss is magical. Its so amazing. Just the feeling of his soft lips on mine. His hands on my hips moving to my lower back, just above my ass. I moved my hands up to around his neck and then to his hair. The kiss deepened and we just couldnt stop. It got so heated I jumped up, putting my legs around his hips. He kissed me, while caring me over towards a wall. He pressed me up against it and lightly moved his hands all over my body. Shoulders to breasts, to my stomach and down to my ass. It felt amazing, just like heaven having him this close to me. I once or twice softly moaned into the kiss. All thoughts disappeared and I got lost in the kiss. After a long make out session, where Niall ended up getting turned a little to much on, I stopped it. He blushed and tried to hide his bulge. “Wow that was AMAZING!” he said and smiled really big at me. “No it was magical!” I said back smiling at him too. The stood there in silence for a few minutes and my head got me back to reality. I had just cheated on Zayn with Niall. I had cheated. I felt so bad. This is unforgivable. “I-I cant believe we just did this Niall! I just cheated on Zayn! He dosnet deserve this! I-I have to go” I said quickly, feeling so guilty. Niall looked broken again, as I ran past him to the elevator getting in it. I got down to the floor where Zayn was supposed to be, still with the jewellery box in my hand. I quickly put it in my back, as I walked to Zayns dressing room. After all I had said to him I would meet him there after the concert. I was torn inside and really nervous. Should I tell him about the kiss or keep it a secret. I knocked on the dressing room door, and Zayn quickly opened it pulling me in his arms, and closing the door. He didnt say anything, he just hugged me tight and then started kissing me with a lot of passion. I was sad to admit it, but the kiss wasnt as amazing as it was with Niall. I felt bad for even thinking about it. I had to tell him. I pulled away and took a step back. I looked to the ground for a few seconds and then up again. I looked at Zayn and whispered: “Me and Niall kissed..I-I just thought you deserved to know”. “You what!? You kissed him?” he said back and took a few steps back from me. He turned around and sat on the couch. “Zayn its not like that! He kissed me and I kissed him back..And I feel so awful! You dont deserve this!” I quickly said and went to sit beside him on the couch. “Hell yeah I dont deserve this! But you dont deserve to be in this love triangle either! We-We just need to work this out! You need to make a choice!” he whispered and looked me in the eyes. I felt a few tears fall down my cheeks. He dried them away with his thumb and I moved closer to him. I took his hands in mine. “Look Zayn..Im gonna be honest. I love you both, but Im with you and Im not gonna leave you as it is right now! I-Im gonna stay with you..” I said looking him in the eyes. He seemed happy. He suddenly smiled and pulled me in for a kiss. We kissed for a while and then decided to go home to Zayns apartment. We didnt say bye to anyone, just send them a text that we had left. I was to afraid of what Zayn would do to Niall. 

We cuddled on Zayns couch, while watching a movie. He fell asleep in the middle of it and I just sat there in his arms. I thought about all that had happen the last few hours. I had cheated on Zayn, told Niall I love him more than Zayn, I had got a ring from Niall and I had still chosen Zayn. I really dont know why. Maybe its just because I feel bad about this whole thing, well I dont really know. I decided to give Zayn a chance to show that he is the right one for me, even thou I felt like Niall is the one. I felt my phone buzz, as I got a text. Its from Niall. I quickly opened it and it said:

We need to talk this trough! Can I come over to you and Zayn? Its just you told me you loved me the most and then left with hurts :( Are you sure this is what you want? No matter what Im not gonna give up on you! Not ever! xx Nialler

I felt bad. I knew he was hurting really bad, and I understood it. After all I would have been broken too if someone I love told me they love me more than their girlfriend, but still stays with the girlfriend. I decided to text him back, saying:

Dont think thats a good idea right now! I know we have to talk but can we do it another day? I know and Im sorry! Im sorry for hurting you this bad! I dont know right now Niall, but Im gonna figure it out I just need time! And please dont make this worse than it already is! xx Alli your Birdy

I send it and never got a reply that night, so I fell asleep. I woke up to Zayn sitting with my phone. He looked hurt, or more like he was broken. I immediately felt bad and caught. What were he doing? had he read me and Nialls texts. I quickly sat up, and Zayn turned towards me. I saw all the pain in his eyes as he said: “You love him more than me!?”. OMG he read it. “Zayn I..”I tried to explain, but he cut me off. “Save it Alli! I dont wanna hear it! Im gonna go for a walk, and when Im back you will be gone OKAY!” he yelled and left without another word. I felt the tears fall down my cheeks, as I heard his front door slam shut. I got up and put on(, before leaving his apartment with my things. I decided to walk to me and Nialls apartment since I had nowhere else to go. I called Zayn 5 times, but he never answered. Instead I texted him awfully many times, also with no reply. I kept crying more and more. My vision was blurry, so I sat down on the pavement. I sat there for god knows how long. I got my vision back clearly, as I stopped crying. I felt numb, all feelings had left my body. I got up and continued walking to me and Nialls apartment. I got there and went in, since the door wasnt locked. I guess Nialls home. I didnt want to see him, so I just hurried in my room slamming the door shut. I had seen him in the living room with Liam, they had both looked shocked. A few minutes later Niall came rushing through the door and hugged me tight. “Alli whats going on? Are you okay? did someone hurt you?” he blurred out really quick. I pushed him away and said: “Zayn read our texts from last night..I-I-I thi-think he brok u-up with me.” I said not crying, just my voice cracking a lot. He looked shocked and all he said was: “SHIT”. “Ca-can you leave? I wa-wanna be alone right no-now!” I said and he did. He looked at me with sorrow. I sat in my bed for half an hour just staring out the window. I didnt cry, didnt do anything. My body felt empty, I felt guilty. I tried calling Zayn again, but he still didnt answer. I decided to text him for the 100th time. No reply. I just decided to change into some comfy clothes( and lay in bed. I decided to call Zayn one last time today and then I would try again tomorrow. I ringed and to my surprise he took it. “What do you want Alli!?” he asked harshly. “I want to know if this means you break up with me or not?” I asked almost in a whisper. “Im not breaking up with you…at least not yet! I just need some time alone Okay! I-I gotta go Alli!” he said and I only got to say “love you”, as he hung up. 

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