Chapter 19

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What we never knew about each other.

Chapter 19.

Allison POV. 

I woke up with me head laying on Nialls chest. Everything from yesterday flashed through my mind. First I felt sad and broken, but then remembered what me and Niall had done last night and smiled big. Niall were still sleeping, so I stayed in bed laying on his chest. The night with Niall flashed through my mind again and I felt my body shiver. It had been amazing being so close and intimate with him. I was away thinking in my own head, when Niall suddenly moved. I looked up at him, seeing him look at me too. We both smiled and blush a bit. He squeezed me a little and then said: “Morning beautiful”. “Morning Nialler” I said back softly. I rolled on top of him, and then remembered we were both still naked. I felt a little awkward, but stayed where I were. I blushed big time and he did to. I kissed him on the lips and he kissed me back. We kept kissing until I felt him get hard and I stopped. I blushed and rolled off of him. “Oh, Um..sorry” Niall said embarrassed. “Dont be embarrassed! Trust me I want to too! But you have to get ready, remember? You are going to the studio today with the boys to record” I reminded him, and he groaned. “Nope, totally forgot. But I just wanna stay here with you Alli! I just got you and I dont wanna leave you!” he said sweetly. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “Well you kinda have to! So get up babe” I whispered him in the ear. “Its hot when you call me babe!” Niall half whispered, half moaned. “Maybe if youre a good boy and get up now, then maybe you can get some later!” I said seductively. He froze and quickly jumped up getting his clothes on. I laughed and got up to walking to my room. “Please come with me!?” Niall yelled from the kitchen, while I got dressed. I thought about it for a minute. I cant go with him. I want to be there and support him, but I know Zayn will be there. It will just be mean to be there with Niall, right in front of Zayn. Plus I really dont want to be together with Zayn or even see him right now. I got dressed in ( and walked out in the kitchen to answer Nialls question. Niall looks at me waiting for my answer. “I dont think thats such a good idea Niall..Im not ready to see Zayn yet and Im afraid that it will end bad if I go too!” I said and he looked really disappointed. He had this puppy look and I felt terrible. “Well it your decision..Do as you like Alli” Niall answered. I couldnt take it, he made me feel terrible for not going with him, as to support him. “Alright I will go” I said and he smiled real big. He got over and hugged me tight. “I love you so much Alli!” He whispered in my ear. He told me that we had to go in 10 minutes and so we did. 

We got to the studio in Nialls car and I nervously went inside together with Niall. I started shaking a little bit and to my luck Niall didnt notice. I didnt want him to know how scared I was, cause then he would take me back home and stay with me. I knew that wasnt an option. He showed me to the recording room and of course they were all there. Niall took my hand as we walked in. Zayn had his back turned to us, so he hadnt seen us yet. They other boys saw us, and I guess by the look on their face they knew what had happened yesterday. I had a weird feeling in my stomach that this wouldnt go well. “Hey”They all said at the same time, making Zayn turn around and looking at us. I saw tears in his eyes, and of course a little anger too. He looked at my and Nialls intervened hands with disgusted. “Hey guys..hey Zayn” I said softly and Niall just said hey to. They went into the recording booth and started doing their business. I sat outside looking at them, on a couch. I heard each of their beautiful angelic voices. When they came to Zayn, he looked at me and our eyes locked. I saw all the pain. He couldnt hide it for me, no matter how much he wanted to. I felt the tears burn in my eyes, so I got up and went to the restroom. 

Zayn POV.

I wanted to leave, but I knew I couldnt. This was horrible, how could they just show up like this and rub their happiness in my face. We started doing our business, singing/recording our new song. It was of course to my bad luck a love song. It felt wrong singing about how great love is, when right now love was a nightmare for me. I love Allison and she dosent want me anymore. I looked at her, when I started singing. To my surprise she looked at me too. We locked eyes and I quickly saw tears start to form in here eyes. I saw the guilt in her eyes, but I didnt want her pity. She when to my surprise got up and left the room. This was so awkward. Why did she even leave? Its not her thats hurting. Its not her that lost the love of her life, thats me. Niall saw she left to and asked for a short break. We got 5 minutes and he rushed out of the booth to go look for her. “So Zayn..are you..uhm, okay?” Harry asked looking awkward at me. “Im fine” I said, but they didnt believe me. “You should talk to her man, she is having a tough time too” Liam said softly. I gave him a glare that told him to back off. “Yeah you should Zayn! You guys need to talk this through! Even thou it might not end up the way you want it to” Louis said and gave me a weak smile. I knew they were right, but I didnt see the point in doing it. “I cant talk to her! I know what she is going to say and I literally dont want to hear it form her. I LOVE her and right now thats not enough anymore..I broke her trust for me and I dont deserve her! I dont deserve someone as perfect as her..She knows that too and guys I cant take hearing her say that to me, so please dont make me talk to her!” I said, with tears in my eyes. I left the recording room to go find a quiet place to be alone for our 5 minutes break. 

Allison POV.

I cried alone in the restroom, sobbing pretty loud. Unfortunately thats why Niall found me. “Princess whats wrong?” Niall asked through the door. “Please let me in” he pleaded. I did as told and he came rushing in and hugging me tight. “Im so-sorry! Its just hard to see how much I have hurt Zayn! He still means a lot to me and it just hurts…I should talk to him, shouldnt I?” I said sobbing. Niall were quiet for a minute. “Yeah you much as I hate to admit it, I think you should! Just get everything worked out and then maybe you will still be able to be friends with him” Niall suddenly said. I looked him in the eyes and saw pure sincerity. I knew he meant every word he said. I smiled a little and then kissed him. First softly and then hard. He pulled me close and we made out big time. My hands in his hair and his hands on my bum. It was amazing as always. Like every time we touch, its like the first time. He moved his hands to go under my top and up to my breasts. I moaned a little loud, witch made him pull away. He blushed and said: “As much as I want you right now, we cant do it here! I actually have to get back to work” he whispered softly, before taking my hand and leading us back to the recording room. They continued on their work together, and when it came to the one on one job, they all waited for their turn doing what they wanted. Zayn left the room and I followed him. I looked quick at Niall before leaving and he looked nervous. I found Zayn on a couch in another room. He just sat there staring into nothing. I knocked on the door to the room softly. He turned to look at me and he looked afraid.

Zayn POV.

I had to wait for it to be my turn in the recording booth, and since I couldnt take being in the same room as Allison I left. I found an empty room and sat down thinking. Memories flashed through my mind, and I wish I could stop them cause they hurt a lot. All the good time with Allison. The feeling of her lips on mine, the feeling of her touch, The first night we had sex and the memory of us laying in bed cuddled up together. My heart felt like someone was stabbing it over and over again. It was a lot of pain and honestly I started to question myself if I could take this much longer. As I sat in my suddenly dark thoughts, I heard a knock on the door. To my again bad luck it was Allison standing there. “We need to talk” She said looking at the gorund. Oh god no. She was going to tell me all the things I didnt want to hear, Im sure. How do I get her to leave?

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