Chapter 1

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Rohan Pov

After coming out from my bathroom, I saw a petite figure running." I don't think your interview is done yet Miss..."

She stopped on her  tracks. Now what's taking her long to turn around. I settled myself in my chair and waiting for this lady who was testing my patience till now.. "I don't think I have the whole day for you..."

She took baby steps backwards still not turning around and took hold of her handbag and was again ready to run. Is she an athlete or what?!

"Wait!!" I got up from my seat to confront this lady. She stopped on her tracks and nodded her head negatively and was about to go, but thankfully I was quick enough to catch hold of her wrist.

"Are you insane or what woman?!" He yelled at her and turned her around swiftly , causing her soft features hit his hard chest. She closed her eyes in fear.

I quickly let go of her hand when she flinched in pain. "What the hell do you think you are doing miss..."

"Arohi" she replied in her meek voice. "Care to explain why you are running?" Crossing my arm against my chest, I waited for her.

"I don't want to work as your secretary so... " she replied confidently and was staring at the flower vase painting keenly.

"So you were confident that you will be the one to get the job!" I raised an eyebrow to her. Great all her  attention was on me now.

She looked at me for a brief second before stammering "Uhmm no.. I mean yaa.. no I don't want to be your secretary.... "

Unknowingly a smile formed on my lips. I snatch the file from her hand and went to settle myself in my chair and after doing some paper work, I signed her to come and take her file.

She took her file confusely. "Tomorrow be here at 9 a.m!" I said while focusing on my work... "Uhmmm why..!?" I stopped typing and gave her an unbelievable look.. is she that dumb to not understand.. 

"We will have a running competition.. seeing you running around today made me want to compete you!! " she looked at me with a blank look and nodded and left from there

Annoyingly i started my work again when I heard the same girl "uhmm in the office..." I tilt my head in her direction and gave her a questioning look. "The competition?!" She said.

I looked at her for a brief second trying to hide my smile. She really thinks that I'm gonna  have a running competition with her!.. Maintaining a stern look , I looked at her "I had inserted a document in your file, just read it and now out!"

She twitched her nose and shut the door not before forcing a smile to me. Once she was out of sight, I lean my back on the armchair and closed my eyes briefly for a few seconds to relax a little bit.

The door flung open and came there a chirpy yet annoying voice "Rohan!!!!" I gave him an annoying look which he shrugged off and came and sat on my desk.

He should get an Oscar award for being mannerless!... Everyone fears me in this office except this idiot!. "What's the matter Priyaansh?! " he looked at me for a brief second and then he went into his dreamland.

"Ok if you want to dream, Just get the hell out of here!" I yelled at him while he grinned sheepishly at me. Damn this man!. He never takes me seriously.

"I met a gorgeous sweet girl on my way" he started and was smiling like a maniac. "What the hell I'm supposed to do in that?" I asked being pissed off.

"I saw her leaving your cabin..." he said catching my full attention. "Arohi?.." he jumped from the desk nodding positively.

"Just tell me you appointed her ..." He literally shouted while I nodded and tried to focus on my work. "Get up!", he screamed.  I looked at him in disbelief, did he just order me!..

I flung up from my place  only to get engulfed in a tight hug. He was literally choking me.. "Get off me asshole!" I managed to yell at this monkey.

He thanked me for appointing her and left from there. Great I have a crazy bunch of people in my life!..  Sighing he got involved in his work again..


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