Chapter 14

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" Arohiiii!!! "  Sara ran towards me excitedly. "What happened?" I raised an eyebrow to her. " I managed to convince Ro to give you a month holiday from work for wedding preparations! " Sara's eyes shone in happiness. I smiled at her.

Kartik arrived with some wedding altar designs when Sara went to check on the catering service. " Aroo see this!" Kartik placed his arms around her shoulders. He pulled out his phone and scrolled his gallery till he found a pic and showed the pic to Shraddha.

" Who's she?!" I gave him questioning looks. He withdraw his hands from my shoulders and gave me an obvious look saying " Uhmm Rohan's new secretary Shania...Sara didn't told you.. " Kartik scratched his neck and fixing his gaze on me.

Nanda has found a replacement for me. Great!.. My nose flared up with anger but that was no less when Kartik had to add " You know, she was the ex secretary of Mr Wulia. She made him divorced his wife and had an affair with him. And now that Mr Wulia is bankrupt, she had dumped him."

My gaze met Kartik who looked worried. Sara tapped my shoulder making me jumping from my place.
"Any problem Arohi?" She was looking genuinely worried. I nodded negatively before excusing myself.

I snapped the door open to find a half naked Nanda in front of me. But i didn't care.  All i wanted is to get rid of this Shani or Shania whatever!.. Rohan eyes went wide and he tried to cover his bare legs with his palms.

" Are you Insane Arohi? Can't you knock before coming" He said much to my annoyance. " Nanda you are not fully naked!!" I rolled my eyes which he shrugged it off. " No girl has seen my sexy legs till now!" He eyed his bare legs trying to cover himself.

I took a deep breath before approaching him. Fear was clearly visible in his eyes. " I'm not any girl.. I'm your wife! And I've got rights on you!" I snapped at him.

He ignored me and went to take his pants.  I snatched his pants and spread my arms in front of the wardrobe. " You aren't getting any pants Nanda!" I stood firm on my place.

" What the hell is wrong with you?! I need to go to office.. " Rohan tried to take the pants from my grip when i stomped on his foot. " Arooohiiii!" He yelled in pain.

" Go like that. Give the girls or that Shani the opportunity to see your sexy legs!" My gaze moved everywhere except on him. "Huh!" That's all that i've heard from his side.

I moved my gaze towards him to find him already staring at me. I inhaled my frustration and threw his pants at him. Rohan approached me and held my hands and pulled me with him.

He made me sit on the edge of the bed and took my hands into his. I could sense my eyes getting moist. " Arohi what happened?.." He made my chin up to face him.

" Why did you appoint a new secretary?" I moved my gaze away from him. Rohan let out a chuckle much to my annoyance. " Is that's what troubling you?!"  A smirk adorned his lips.

I shrugged off my hands from his grip. " Let it be Rohan.. you won't understand!" I wiped my tears roughly. He sighed and took his seat beside me. " What's bothering you Arohi!" His gaze was fixed on me.

I took a deeb breath being sure of my feelings " I'm afraid of losing you Rohan... i..i'm insecure of that Shani! I don't know but you have changed me. I wasn't like this. I'm scared. I don't want to lose anyone close anymore.. Arrghh what have you made me become Nanda!" My head was hunged low.

More tears made their way down my cheeks. I groaned in pain recalling all the memories I've been trying to get rid of. I covered my face onto my palms until i sensed a pull. I gave Rohan a teary look before burying my head onto his chest.

Rohan squeezed my shoulders and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. My sobbed gradually decreased and i heard him whispering " Arohi will it be okay if i wear my pants and then you can continue crying.."

I let out a laugh hitting him on his chest. I withdraw from the hug when he immediately ran to this pants. God this guy! I couldn't help but laugh through my tears.

" Arohi... Uhmm i think i can be secretaryless for one month.. I mean i can manage you see... So yaa.. " Rohan's eyes wandered everywhere except on me. I plastered a smile on my face before letting out " And i love you for this Nanda!" I sent a flying kiss.

Rohan gave me weird looks before literally running away from the room. I couldn't help but laugh my stomach out. How can someone be so cute?! I smiled at  my own thoughts.

" It's decided we are going Paris for honeymoon!" Kartik stood firm on his decision making Sara anoyyed.
" Arohi, i swear I'll bang your  Carrr Tick's head!" I giggled at her.

" We are going to California and that's final!" Sara snapped at him. " You can't decide... It's my honeymoon.." Kartik complained like a baby literally climbing on the chair. Sara gave him an annoyed look and climb on the table " Obviously it's your honeymoon! I'm actually going on a pilgrimage no.."

I contained my laughter and made them off the chair and table. " Okay let's decide about the honeymoon later on! For now let's go for you guys dress trial.." I pulled both of them with me.

"Pheww!" I wiped off the beads of sweat forming on my forehead. Finally after two hours of searching dresses and one hour of fighting, Kartik and Sara chose their wedding dresses.

Sara entwined her arms around Kartik pointing towards ice cream. Kartik nodded and gave me a brief look. " Nope i don't want to play gooseberry!.. I'll roam around here only.."

They nodded and left for their ice cream date. Who would say they were the same couple who was fighting like cats and dogs just a few hours ago. I smiled looking at them.

Kartik teased her while trying to take a bite from Sara's ice cream earning an annoying look from her. I snapped some of their few moments. Ahh i got an idea of their wedding present.  I patted  my shoulders proudly.

Sorry for late update. I had problem in restoring my update. Had to re write it all over again!
Sorry for grammatical error.

Anyway hope you guys like it.

Leaving you guys with some unseen/seen varshra moments💜💙

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