Chapter 10

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It was a marriage for the sake of convenience. An agreement had been inked out between me and Rohan in the office a week before.

In casual clothing I reached at the registry office and spot Rohan having a conversation with Priyaansh. I glanced at Kartik who was busy dressing his coat. I smiled sadly. They all think this is a love marriage but it was just a sham.

Sara approached me with a huge smile. " Arohii... " She took me in her embrace expressing her excitement. Withdrawing back, she gave me a brief look " Uhmm Arohi are you sure of court marriage?.. I mean we could have done a proper marriage.."

" It's ok.. I don't have many relatives and about my mom she's okay with it. So it's okay.." I avoided her gaze while she gave me a half hearted smile. "

Shall we?" Kartik encircled his one hand around Sara's hand and one around my heading inside. Rohan stood there with a stern face with Priyaansh beside him.

I gave him a disapproving look before focusing on the judge. The certificate has been just a contract to us and it lay cold on the table of the registrar. I took the pen and signed that piece of paper not before giving Rohan a cold look.

He glanced at me before signing and hand over the pen to Kartik and eventually Priyaansh for being the witness. When all the procedures were done, we were declared as a married couple.

Everyone was busy congratulating us. I wanted to scream that this is just a facade!.. The others beamed in happiness unaware of the storm in my heart.

"Let's head to home!" Rohan let out the words grasping my hands onto his earning a glare from me. He shrugged it off and took me out from that registrar office.

"Leave my hand!" I whispered yet in a warning tone. Rohan met my gaze and left my hand. Sara took our attention " Roo.. When you go home with your newly wedded wife.. me and Priyaansh will be at Kartik's place..."

I looked at them horrifyingly. I won't spend a day alone with this Nanda. Sara can't ditch me. " No Sara it's ok.. why would you leave!" I tried to hide the fear in my voice.

" You need privacy babe!" Kartik added his part smirking. If only I could slap you right now Kartik for your thinking. I need gathering instead of privacy.

I sigh in disappointment and glanced at Nanda, who was busy smiling. Ok, this is a sign of danger. Start making an another plan to escape this jerk Arohi. You can do it! I assured myself before getting into the car.

The more we were getting close to the destination, I could hear my heart beating at its peak. I closed my eyes in frustration and left my right hand on my pounding chest.

" You Okay?" Rohan said, eyeing me. I shrugged him off concentrating on my heartbeat. Weird Woman he muttered under his breath thinking that I won't hear. Jerk!

" We reached!" Rohan looked at me and then at my hand, which was still resting near my heart. I nodded and opened the car door and took a quick pace, inside the house only to be stopped by his voice.

" Why are you in such a haste?!" He yelled from behind before catching up with my pace. " It's none of your business!" I snapped at his face while he said nothing.

" My Room is the 1st floor 2nd room to the right!" Rohan said casually making me annoyed. " And why the hell do you think I'll stay in your room!" I took a halt on my track facing him.

"Because you're my wife!" Rohan raised his eyebrows at me like he was taking a matter of fact. " Just a little reminder it was a deal!" I made him recall his deal.

" Yeah, but that doesn't change that you're my wife, Mrs Nanda!" He said with a smirk making I wanted to pluck out his eyeballs and play marbles! Maybe if I had a dad, he would have done that.

I brushed out my thoughts, drawings my focus back to this jerk. " Listen Rohan.. " I was cut off by his glare and he snapped at me " I'm really tired. Let's head upstairs... " I frowned, following him to his room.

Once we were in, he banged the door of washroom leaving me admiring the room and the quotes stick to the wall.

I brushed my hands to the frame of a little boy clinging to a woman who let out a wide smile. Unknowingly a smile spreads my lips. This is small Nanda and maybe his mother.

My eyes fell on the scrapbook peeping out from the drawer. I took it out and thought twice before opening it. The first pic was the same woman with a crying boy in her arms quoted with  " The best place to cry is on a mother's arm

" The 2nd page was a pic of the same  woman, which I assumed to be Rohan's mom smiling at an another woman while little Rohan took a baby girl with a little ponytail in his embrace; probably Sara. Small hearts along with smileys  were drawn all over that page.

I turned the page to find a drawing of a boy cuddling up himself against the wall  " Lonely is not being alone.. it's the feeling that no one cares!"

Rohan must have been traumatised by his mom's death. Maybe he thought that only his mom cared about him and no one else.

I sigh in disappointment and was about to turn the page when I heard the door knob making clicking sound.

I quickly thrust it inside the drawer and adjust myself correctly. " Go and freshen up! " I nodded and dispersed into the bathroom avoiding his gaze.

When I came out Rohan was fast asleep and a note was stuck on the pillow. The right side of the bed is yours. Too tired to think anything, I slumped onto the right side on the bed.

Not getting sleep, carefully  I rolled onto his side and looked at him. His features were much softer in sleep, the lines that usually creased his brow replaced by the youthful appearance. He looked peaceful.

Wanting nothing more than to curl up into the curve of his body.. I shrugged off my thoughts and turned around and pulled the blanket up over my shoulder.

The thought of going through the scrapbook took me, but my laziness won over my thought. I snuggled closer into the warmth of the blanket, I closed my eyes inviting the sleep.


Heyya peeps♡
Hoping that you all love the twists and turn. And yeah Sartik marriage will be on the way very soon..

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