Chapter 12

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I heard Rohan's stomach rumbling as he watched the soup ladled into dark wooden bowls.Unknowingly a smile adorn my lips." I'm damn hungry!!" Priyaansh chirped happily eyeing the soup while Sara and Kartik nodded.

"There's something called Self- service!" Rohan said rolling his eyes serving himself. I gave him a disbelief look before serving the others.

" Uhmm Ro... We have to meet mom tomorrow. I mean she wants to meet Kartik. And i want you to be with me.." Sara's nervousness were clearly visible on her words. 

Rohan nodded and concentrated on the food. "Don't worry everything will  be fine" Priyaansh reassured her while Kartik took hold of her hands and tightened his hold on hers. Sara smiled sweetly at them.

My gaze moved to Rohan who admired this trio. He could've reassured her. But still Nanda is Nanda! I guess he thinks his charm will fade eventually if he'll try to be polite or to express his feelings.

The rest of the dinner went in the chirping of Priyaansh and Kartik. While the sister- brother duo were quiet.

Kartik took me into a warm embrace and whispered sweet nothings to Sara before leaving. And Nanda was already disappeared from the dining hall.

Priyaansh let out a yawn and left for his room leaving me and Sara in the hall. " Arohi I'll need your help... " Sara said fidgeting with her fabric.

" Yaa say! " I urged her to speak when Sara gave me a nervous smile.
" Actually Ro is a bit uncomfortable with mom!.. If you could join us tomorrow.." I nodded earning Sara's brightest smile. She thanked me along with a tight hug.

I pulled the blanket over me not before taking a glance at Rohan who was busy typing on his laptop. Sighing disappointedly, i slide more into the warmth of the blanket.

I peeped at him again only to be caught by his glare. Rohan shut his laptop and made his way towards me. Shit my mind screamed and i shut my eyes in fear.

"Don't pretend to sleep Arohi!" His stern voice echoed in my ears. I blinked my eyes twice and saw him standing in front of me with crossed arms against his chest.

Ahh he's giving me the vibe of a principle who caught a student bunking school. But even i was caught staring him. " I'm actually sleepy, good night!" I rubbed my eyes and let out a fake yawn.

"But I'm not sleepy and there's no question of you sleeping either!" He pulled my arms making me sat straight on the bed. I gave him an unbelievable look " i didn't know you are anoyying too Nanda!"

" You are yet to read me Arohi!" He said with a rather blank look before smirking at me. "Let's go for a walk !" He took his blazer  and urged me to come.

Congratulations Arohi , You're a wife of an unpredictable weird man called Nanda who want you to have a walk with him at 11 p.m of a cold chilled  night!! My mind reminded me.

I pulled Nanda's blazer closer enjoying the warmth earning an irritated look from him. " You should have taken something warm with you imstead of snatching my blazer Arohi!" He encircle his hand around his chest trembling.

It was his fault anyway. He wanted to have a walk . I sigh disappointedly as my idiotic heart melted at his sight. And i gave him back the blazer for which i fought so much all the way long.

"We can share it Arohi.. " He said being unsure of himself. I looked at the poor blazer who was pleading me to wear her. Unknowingly a stupid smile adorn my lips earning a questioning  look from Nanda.

He pulled me closer wrapping his hands around my waist. And the blazer resting on our shoulders.
" uhmm Rohan i guess we came quite afar, we should return now.."

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