Chapter 6

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I wiped my tears roughly and tried to concentrate on the movie but that man's words kept bothering me again and again.

Kartik prod me gently gaining my attention. I gave him an irritated look which he shrugged off and got settle beside me handling me a cup of coffee.

He chuckled while i gave him a blank look. " I love how coffee fixes everything!" He said smilingly while i was still confused.

" Tired? Drink some coffee... Headache? Have Coffee.. Cold? Coffee again and if someone makes you angry , bust them in the head with the cup!!" Kartik said sipping his coffee.

Unknowingly a smile crept up amongst my tears imaginating the scene of bursting the cup on Rohan's father head!..

Kartik snapped his fingers breaking out thoughts. I smiled meekly at him when he added not before ruffling my hairs " It's been a hectic day.. Go and grab some sleep!.."

I smirked at him making him raise his eyebrows in confusion.. " What do you want woman?! " kartik asked earning a laugh from me.

" Details ..  i want each and every details about you and sara!" I said crossing my legs on the couch waiting for him to get started.

He sigh and gave me an unbelievale look which i shrugged off. " So yaa she helped me to choose the watch and we talked for a while and that's it!" He said avoiding my gaze.

I hit him in his arms while he growled in pain.  " i said details, an entire essay if you want not summary!!" I frowned at him while he gave me an unbelievable look.

" My brain is on five percent battery, so if you don't mind, actually you shouldn't mind that I'm going to sleep!"  Kartik said taking back steps and as soon as his sentence got over, he ran into his room.

"You're such a jerk Kartik!. Even I'll not tell you anything when I'll meet my Prince charming!" I literally screamed to make sure that jerk heard me before dispersing into my room.

I smiled looking at my bed before jumping on it. My bed is my love. I can spend my whole day sleeping. Soon the sleep engulfed me along with the fatigue.

Before the day has started for the masses I was already in my kitchen, fully dressed and ready to go. 

I took a glance at Kartik who gave a smile and yawn.  "Kartik you need to drop me.. just freshen up already!" I said pushing him away  from the  kitchen.

I throw an irritated look towards his bathroom door. " Kartik if you're not coming out in 5 mins! I'm taking the cab and you'll miss the chance of seeing Sara!" I said in a high pitch.

" Wait i'm coming you impatient lady!" Kartik yelled and soon he was out half naked. I gave him an annoying look before going outside.

I made my way inside the office with Kartik following me. " Kartik what will be the reason of you inside the office!" I asked him while he shrugged off.

He snatched my files and handbag and gave me a cheesy smile. " what you're upto Kartik!" I gave him a not so pleasant look.

"Limp!" He said when i gave him an unbelievale look.  "Kartik you're insane! Just for the few minutes of your meet with Sara, I'll have to limp the whole day!" I spatted at him while he gave me pleading looks.

I closed my eyes in frustration and started limping. Priyaansh waved at me while i gave him a smile. He approached me and side hugged me " You're okay ?"  He asked with concern while i nodded assuring him.

I started limping again when Kartik held me for support. I'm actually not liking this. I glared at him while he smiled sweetly. This guy will be the cause of my death one day!.

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