Chapter 8

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I gave him a confused look while he pulled me along with him climbing up the stairs reaching the terrace.

I shrugged my hands off maintaining the confused look. Rohan didn't say anything but kept staring at the stars i guess.

My gaze were still fixed on him wishing for him to say something. Hearing nothing from his side, i took the initiative " Rohan i guess we should go back, Priyaansh and Sara must be waiting downstairs..."

I made a few steps away  from him when he caught hold of my wrist. I met his gaze which was trying to convey many things.

Unexpectedly, Rohan's hand drifted to my waist. It settled there and pulled me closer making me inhaled sharply.
I was against his warm chest, chiseled to perfection.

Must he be so perfect? I splayed my hand against his chest, intending to push him away, but instead I left it there.

He began nuzzling my neck with delicate kisses. So faint, they were whispers. I urged myself to push away, but couldn’t. My limp body began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Ro.. han.." I tried to push him but he only tightened his grip around my waist. I hesitantly looked up at him. The swirls of emotion I saw there made me gasp.

However, before I could ponder about it further, he yanked me to him and covered my mouth with his in a hungry kiss.  In an instant I had pulled away.

We stared at each other in an odd way, as if it were a silent argument.
"Why did you do it?" I spat at him.
He sighed, and approached me, making me take a step back.

Rohan fixed his gaze on me " Arohi  Marry me!" I gasped at his words " Ro.." He hushed me saying " You've got till tomorrow to answer me.."

Before i could say something else, Kartik came up calling for us. We followed him downstairs. Priyaansh took me in an embrace followed by Sara before getting into the car.

My gaze met his. He shook hands with Kartik before meeting my gaze. " See you tomorow Arohi!" Rohan said before dispersing into the car.

How i wished tomorrow never comes! I growled in annoyance earning a confused look from Kartik. I stomped my foot being irritated and stormed into the house with kartik yelling behind " Are you insane woman?!"

I sat crossing my legs and stuffing the cookies while taking glance over the time. Kartik settled beside me with his coffee " something bothering you?"

I looked at him worriedly and nodded. "And would you care to let it out?!" Kartik added irritatingly.

I sigh and told him all the things happened a few hour earlier. He listened keenly to me before screaming in joy " You've had your first kiss!!!!"

I gave him an unbelievale look before stretching to the fact  " He stole my first kiss!!" He gave me a whatever look before saying "it's the same thing !"

I slapped my forehead and gave Kartik a stern look " You're not helping!" He sighed and gave me a brief look before saying " Soo.. what would you tell him tomorrow?!"

I bite my lips in worriedness and after pondering a bit. I've decided to not go to office tomorrow. "I'm not going tomorrow!" I said being firm in my decision.

"And what about day after?! You can't just keep avoiding him" Kartik asked as a matter of fact. I pouted and glared at Kartik " Thanks for being of a great help.. I appreciate that !" He rolled his eyes stating " I get the sarcasm!"

" well it's my bed time!" Kartik said dispersing into his room. I shrugged out my thoughts and went into my room not thinking about tomorrow.

I laid down on the bed trying to catch some sleep but Rohan Nanda occupied my mind. I growled in annoyance.

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