Chapter 16

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The room buzzed with excited chatter and children ran between the tables in a good natured game of tag..The paparazzi was blocked outside the Mansion.

This was indeed one of the grand marriage , after all It's none other than Rohan's Nanda sister's wedding.
The Mansion was filled with all sorts of guests from relieved men, jealous women, curious aunties to happy children.

Finally, once the playboy Kartik heart would be owned by one lucky girl, the bride. Brushing my thoughts aside, i made my way to Sara's room only to be bumped into Rohan.

" Can't you watch your steps Nanda!" I frowned adjusting my dupatta to my lehenga. I met his gaze only to find him giving me his rare warm smile.

Rohan encircled both his hands around my waist causing me to hit his chest. " You're looking gorgeous Mrs Nanda!" My heart skipped a beat when he whispered into my ears.

I tried to get rid of him when he tightened his grip. " What happened to you?!" I met his mischievous look.
" Well i heard Sara's mom saying that Ronit is very romantic unlike me!" He rolled his eyes.

This Nanda is so confusing. My thoughts came to an end when i sensed his lips on my cheeks. He left a quick soft peck and left downstairs not before winking at me.

I didn't realise i was standing with an open mouth until i sensed a soft tap on my shoulders. " Are you fine Arohi?!" Mom gave me a teasing smile.

I nodded and rushed to Sara's room hiding my embarrassment. " what happened Arohi!" Sara's voice took my attention. My eyes wandered to her and i couldn't speak. She was the most beautiful bride I've ever seen.

She was looking heavenly beautiful in her dark red embroided lehenga. I approached her and wiped a little Kajal from my eyes and applied it near her neck. Sara smiled warmly at me before engulfing me into a hug.

Sara was getting a future with her love of her life. She couldn't ask for more. I made her sit on the bed while Sara was sobbing. " Heyy it's ok.. a bit of anxiety is normal. If Nanda came to know you're crying, he will start crying also!"

Sara stopped sobbing and gave me an as in serious look. We both burst out laughing. I gave her a side hug " You know Sara marrying someone you love is just something else. Everything seems to be beautiful. It's true that there's a time where you'll face some issues. But as long as you guys trust each other, no matter how much bigger the problem is, you'll come across it!"

Sara nodded before giving me a nervous smile. " Aroo I'm so nervous..." I smiled warmly at her trying to assure her. " Shall i call Nanda? " She nodded while tears continued spilling from her eyes.

I caught hold of Rohan's hand who gave me an annoyed. Duh his attitude!. Firstly he's at fault, all these time I'm running after him and he's ignoring me.

" what do you want Arohi?! There's so much work pending over here..." His attention was on the wedding planner. " Sara needs you!" I said as quick as possible before he gets occupied in other work.

He gave me worried looks and rushed towards her room with me following him. I stopped in my tracks near the door not wanting to disturb the brother - sister moment.

" What happened princess? Shall i cancel the wedding.. " Sara smacked Rohan's chest lightly nodding negatively. I couldn't help but laugh at  their cute antics.

" Why are you crying then? ! He stroked her hairs. " Just a little anxious!" Rohan let out a sigh of relief and took her in his embrace. My eyes started to get moist.

I brushed out the tears. " Heyy you're okay?!" Priyaansh shook me. I nodded smilingly. He pulled me inside along with him. "Stop crying you people.  You're making my Arohi senti!" He said annoyingly.

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