Chapter 17

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I went to the terrace in search of Nanda. There he was staring at the stars. I smiled at his back and approached him. " it's really peaceful!" He diverted his attention to me and smiled before moving his gaze to the stars again.

" Rohannnn...." I jumped in excitement showing him the shooting star. " Make a wish quick!" I said folding my hands and closed my eyes wishing for happiness for the newly wedded couple.

Sensing his gaze on me, i looked at him. " What did you wish for?!" I raised my eyebrows in curiosity. He said nothing but smiled. He encircled his both hands around my hips pulling me closer to him.

" Arohi... I really don't know what's love is.. All i know is that i need you by my side.. I'm addicted to you. Can we forget the deal ?.. " He inhaled a deep breath and pressed his lips against my forehead.

I nodded admist my tears. Rohan rubbed his thumbs across my cheeks wiping my tears. " Promise me, you won't leave me ever no matter what happened! " Fear was clearly evident in his eyes. Something was bothering him for sure. I said nothing but nodded in assurance.

He side hugged me and pointed towards a star. " You know they say people become a star after dying. And  that star in the left is my mom!" I smiled at him.

" why don't you like Sara's mom?!" I blurted out the thing which was bothering me. Mom was so nice and she even love Rohan as her own unlike my step father who always kept me afar from my mother. I brushed out my thoughts concentrating on him.

" Sara's mom was my maa's best friend... Da..." He paused in between his words. " I mean Mr Nanda had married her hiding the fact that he was already married. Eventually she was a victim. I've got no complaints about her.. It's just that i can't happen to accept another woman as  my mother!"  He moved his gaze from me to the stars.

I smiled at him and tightened his hold around my shoulders. " Husband, you need not to give your mom's place to Sara's mom. Just give her an another place in your heart!" I pointed towards his heart when he nodded being a little unsure.

" I still can't believe my playboy Carr tickk is married!" I tried to enlightened the atmosphere. Rohan let out a laugh fixing his intense gaze on me. I knew what was coming next, i closed my eyes in anticipation waiting for his lips to brush against mine.

My arms reached up and tangled around his thick, strong neck. I deepened the kiss. Breaking apart he looked into my eyes asking for approval. I nodded being still a little unsure of myself but i trust him . " Are you sure Arohi you want this?!"

Rohan bored his eyes into mine. I smiled giving a nod. He beamed and placed a soft kiss on my forehead before gathering me into his arms. I buried my face in the crook of his neck.

He placed me carefully on the bed and  leaned to switch off the lights. I held his wrist giving him questioning look. " Arohi you're not ready..." He pecked my cheek and climbed onto the bed pulling me closer to him. I rested my head upon his chest while he encircled his hands around my waist. Rohan stroked my hair lightly until i felt the sleep took over me.

I opened my eyes lazily and found Rohan playing with my hair. I snuggled closer to him. " You're up Arohi?!" I hummed in response making him chuckle. " Uhmm i was thinking of preparing breakfast before Kartik and Sara comes over.." Rohan tucked my hair behind my ear.

I nodded making him smile wider.
" Only if you let me go, then I'll able to go Mrs Nanda!" I frown not wanting to break this moment.
" I really need to wake up nah!" I said lazily earning his laughter.

He loosened and grip around his waists and dragged his body out of the bed. " I'm gonna to freshen up, try  to break up with your sleep till then..." Rohan giggled before dispersing into the bathroom.

I let a sigh. I can sleep till he finish bathing though. I smiled at my thoughts cuddling with my pillow.
" Ahh sleeping is love!" I smiled enjoying the warmth of the blanket.

I could felt myself being shakened. "Earthquake!" I sat up straight on the bed to find Rohan giving me a disbelief look. He still had his towel wrapped around his waist. I gulped down seeing his bare chest.

His frown soon turned into a smirk.
" I know I'm hot!" His hands flipped his wet hair causing the droplets to hit Arohi's face. She closed her eyes in frustration. This Nanda has no idea what he's doing to me.

"Now wake up and freshen up!" He gave me a sterned look. " Nahh!" I groaned lazily and collapse on the  pulling the blanket over me. I heard him sigh.

He pulled the blanket off me making me annoyed and scooped me in his arms. " Nanda what are you doing?!" I hit his chest lightly earning a glare. He landed me in the bathroom. Hs turned on the shower letting the cold water hitting me ;making me gasped.

He planted a soft kiss near my lips
" I think now you must have get over with your sleeping Mrs Nanda!" I watched at his retreating back. " 50 shades of Nanda!" I whispered annoyingly.

I pulled up my hair up in a bun, tucked the pallu of my plain pink saree on the side of my waist and made my way to the kitchen to find Nanda and Priyaansh cooking. " Ohh so the brothers decided to cook for their sister and brother-in-law today!"

Priyaansh side hugged me " You're looking extremely gorgeous in Saree Aro..." I smiled at him and felt Nanda gaze on me. I raised my eyebrows to him to which he shrugged off.

" What are you guys making ?!" I inhaled the aroma of the food taking the spatula from Priyaansh. " Well Rohan is making gazar ka halwa for Sara and butter paneer for mom!" I took a glance at Rohan who was engaged with his cooking. The reason i love this guy, i smiled inwardly.

"And I'm making Karele ki sabji!" Priyaansh flashed his smile asking me to stir it. In this cooking session, Priyaansh revealed some of their childhood memories and that's when i came to know Priyaansh is Rohan's massi son.

" I've gotta take this call.. Aro please don't burn my Karela and focus!" Priyaansh gave his karele a loving look before going out to take her call. I let out a chuckle thinking his love for karela.

My smile faded when i felt Nanda's hot breath on my neck. " Why did you wear a saree?!" I turned around pushing him a little bit to maintain a safe distance. " My body, my saree, my wish!" He gave me a smirk " Is that so?" I nodded.

I was entrapped in his arms. He brushed his lips lightly on both my cheeks. I glared at him when he beamed.  " My wife, my kiss, my wish!" He winked at me making my eyes widened.

I tried to push him when he tightened his hold on my waist. " Karellaaaaa... " Priyaansh voice made us jump onto our place. I glanced over the Karela which had turned completely black.
" Arohi where was your attention?! See you burned the Karela.." Rohan asked hiding his smile.

He wrapped his hands around Priyaansh's shoulders. " It's ok Priyaansh... Arohi will make if for you an another time. We don't have much time now. And Arohi stay focus now!" Rohan smirked at me.

Priyaansh gave Rohan an unbelievable look. " Dude don't put the entire blame at Arohi! It must be you only who distracted her!" Priyaansh took my side when Nanda gave him an innocent look. " Now if I'm too handsome that's not my fault!" They both got involved in laughter..I stomped my foot in anger making my way out the kitchen


Sorry for grammatical errors. Hope you guys enjoyed this one.

i_am_arpita see i fulfilled your wish😂❤.. And i updated soonish

Hope you guys liked it and do vote and comments💙..

Tada! See ya soon.. Leaving you guys with one of my fav song reprise version.

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