Chapter 21

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I couldn't stop smiling looking at an annoyed Nanda who was trying to sew his torn shirt. Apparently he's angry at me and Priyaansh. I chuckled recalling his reaction when he found out about Priyaansh's love interest.

"Arohi!" He looked at me annoyingly and hand over the shirt to me.
"Uhmm what shall i do with this?" I raised my eyebrows to which he gave me an unbelievable look. " Mast tel mein fry karke kha lena ek dum baburao ki style mein" He added being all irritated making me laughing harder.

" Okay!" I nodded and made my way out of the room when he quickened his pace to catch hold of my wrist.
"You're an insane woman!" He slapped my forehead slightly when i giggled. And out of a sudden he started laughing.

I gave him a questioning look when he tried to talk in between his laughs. "Running competition!" He continued laughing making me more confused.
"Your first day at office dumbo! Remember you wanted to have a running competition!" He stated before getting back to his laughing session.

I closed my eyes in embarrassment recalling that day. Such an idiot i was! I frowned when his laughter was not taking name to stop. Sometimes this Nanda can be cutely annoying. I mean cute and annoying at the same moment.

I flung his shirt to the bed and took out another one. " Wear this one!" I stretched my hands to hand over him the shirt when a frown made its way to his face. He nodded negatively and placed the shirt back. And he came back with his torn shirt.

"I want to wear this one!" He insisted. I gave him an unbelievable. " Can't you see this one is torn and it can't be sewed. I mean it can but it will look defective!" I tried to knock some sense onto him when he keeps on insisting to wear this one.

"I'm not having kids for sure! They'll be stubborn like you only. I can't handle two idiots!" I snatched the torn shirt and started sewing it. Rohan grinned at me. " What do you want now?!" I snapped at him.

"Kids!" My eyes widened and i  stared at him. His lips twitched into a smile. He got seated besides me making me hiccups. "Arohi...  so you've already thought that our child will go on me! I mean it's good in a way. Less trouble.!"

I kept his shirt aside facing him. " So you think I'm a trouble for you!" I glared at him when he smiled cutely. Arrggh this Nanda and his smile. Focus Arohi! You're having a battle right now! Don't melt! I consoled my heart .

"I don't think sweetheart... You are actually a trouble for me!" I closed my eyes irritatingly and the next thing i knew i smacked him on his arms.
"Gandhi ji has said no to violence! " Rohan pouted while rubbing his arms. I nodded and hit him harder with the pillow.

"Arohi! Behave yourself!" Rohan stood up crossing his arms across his chest. I stood up and pointed my finger at him. " You know Nanda! I'm not scared of you anymore..."

I stomped my foot angrily and was making my way out the room when Rohan pulled me back. I shrugged off his hands and stared at him. He gave a smile before letting a peck on my nose. I rubbed my nose annoyingly.

He laughed and placed an another kiss. " Rohan I swear if you kiss me on my nose again.... " I wandered everywhere to find a way to warn him. He stood smilingly and raised his eyebrows. " I'll... I'll cut my nose!"

"Then you'll have to cut it Arohi!" He pulled me making my back hit his chest. He encircled his hands around my hips and placed his head on my shoulders. " Nanda what are you doing?" I tried to get rid of his hold when he tightened it.

"Romancing with my unromantic wife !" He placed a soft kiss on the crook of my neck sending chills down my spine. "Rohan... you'll get late for office." He hummed in response. He pulled me closer. " I guess romancing my wife is more important than the office!"

Rohan turned me around to face him. He took my hands and encircled it around his shoulders when his hands were placed on my hips. " I can't take risk regarding my gorgeous wife!" I gave him a confusing look.

He giggled. " What if you'll start liking an another man... So I have to be the imperfectly perfect husband so that my wife's heart belongs to me only!" Rohan smiled and pecked my forehead.

"I'm getting diabetes..." I let out a whisper. I pushed him away " You're getting too sweet Nanda... What's your hidden agenda behind it!" I crossed my arms across my chest and teased him.

His smiled faded. " Arohi! All I did till now for you never had a hidden agenda. Never ever think like that again!" Rohan said sternly and took his shirt and dispersed into the bathroom.

What had gotten onto him all of a sudden? I was just kidding. I let out a sigh.  Letting my thoughts aside, I arranged the bed and made my way to the kitchen to make his breakfast.

I patted my own shoulders being proud and satisfied with my work. I smiled at the breakfast. " No one's evil eye gets on my breakfast!" I stared at it lovingly when someone snapped his fingers breaking my trance.

Here was Nanda giving me unbelievable looks and Priyaansh was next to him. I ignored him and made my way to Priyaansh. He engulfed him into a hug. " When did you come?" I smiled at him.

"Well when you were admiring the breakfast!" I give him an embarassing look earning his chuckle. I pulled a chair for Priyaansh when Nanda was staring at me. I raised an eyebrow to which he shrugged off and pulled his chair roughly. Strange guy!

I served them the pancakes and sent silent prayers hoping for it to be that much delicious as it seems. Priyaansh let out a huge grin and showed  thumps up. I broke a smile and turn my gaze to Nanda who had no expression at all. Hopeless case! My mind taunted. 

After the breakfast, they both got involved in some discussions. I made my way to the kitchen and placed the dirty dishes in the basin. I turned around when two hands blocked my way.

"What do you want now Nanda!" I shrugged off his hands from the counter. " I need my personal assistant again... so you're joining office today only!" He said being firm on his decusion.

He entwined his fingers and pulled me along him. " Priyaansh... let's go!" Rohan said not leaving his grasp on my hands. " Rohan leave my hand. How will I get into the car? " I whispered annoyingly. Priyaansh was busy giving us teasing looks.


Hello peeps!
Been a long time...
Sorry I was in exams period!
Hope you guys like it ❤

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