Chapter 26

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I stood there, as I felt my heart cracking like glass, spreading its pieces throughout my body. I couldn't decipher what shall i do. I stood froze on my place looking at Rohan who's head was hung low.

"Why did you do it?" I hiccuped, tears rolling down with the same quietness. Rohan refused to look at me. I kept the little one In the sofa and made my way to him. I held his hand and made him watch the video forcefully. " Why did you shoot my dad?!!!" I pushed him harder making him take a step back.

His dark lashes brimmed heavy with tears; his hands clenched into shaking fists, in a desperate battle against the grief.A lone tear traced down his cheek. "Arohi... " Priyaansh gave me a painful look when i shrugged off his hands. " You all knew it since the beginning!" As much as I tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from my throat in the form of a scream.

Rohan wept, tears streaming from his eyes, loud, heaving sobs tearing from his throat, and his gaze met mine. I took baby steps towards him and held his collar " Giving me the job, the marriage deal.. everything was just a facade! You just wanted to get over your guilt of murdering my father!"

Sara took hold of my hands and cupped my face. " Arohi trust us, Ro just wanted to save him... it was just an accident... " I got rid of her hands refusing to listen to their excuses.
" And Rohan was just around 8 years... " Priyaansh squeezed my arms trying to comfort me.

I let out a bitter laugh before pushing him away." And what about me being a 6 years old child who lost his father !. What about the fact that my mom had to sell her body just to raise her only daughter!... what about that people started giving me disgusting look and treating me as trash because i.. was called..." My voice choked on my words.

I took a glance at Rohan who was already looking at me with his moist eyes. " I was called a prostitute's child... " He closed his eyes in despair. I smiled sadly. Kartik encircled his hands around my shoulders and squeezed it lightly.

Mom who was standing silently all the time decided to take a step into the matter. She gave Rohan's father a disgusted look who was busy smiling and approached me.

She made me sit on the couch and caressed my head. " Arohi.. i know even if unknowingly, Rohan has caused you a lot of pain. But beta (daughter) , he had no intention of doing so. That day along with Rohan, even Priyaansh and Sara went to the construction site. In an attempt to save his mom, Rohan had to press the trigger."

Sara sat beside me holding my hands into his. " That day my dad tried to... " Sara closed her eyes gulping down the pain and tightened her hold on my hands. " Arohi that day someone tried to misbehave with your mom and unfortunately that person happened to be my father!" Sara gave Mr Nanda a disgusted look.

My brain didn't know how to cope with this matter. I kept glaring the floor letting Sara speak. " Rohan's mom was trying to save your mom and meanwhile your father reached there... He had a gun with him pointed towards Mr Nanda. "

Sara glanced at Rohan whose gaze were fixed on the floor. My curious gaze urged her to continue " And in a sudden, everything went upside down. Your dad and Mr Nanda were having a fight with mom handling your mother. And dad pulled Rohan's  mom towards the edge threatening to push her down"

Priyaansh exhale a deep breath. " The fault of Rohan was just that he was trying to save his mom. The gun was lying near him. Your father had asked him to shoot.Trust us his aim was Mr Nanda! But unfortunately sara slipped and in order to avoid Sara from getting shot, your Dad Jumped  in front and..." His voice trailed off and Priyaansh was trying to read my expressions.

" That day if you've lost your dad, even Rohan lost his mom... " Mom patted my head giving me pleading looks and pointed to Rohan. I hung my head low with my hands covering my face. The little one came to my feet and started licking it.

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