Chapter 18

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I let out a satisfied smile  after arranging the table. Priyaansh side hugged me " You remember you owe me my Karela!" I scoffed at him and glared at Nanda who was looking at us with a wide smile.

Kartik and Sara down at the dining table taking in the aroma. " Gajar ka halwa!!!" Sara's eyes beamed with happiness.She didn't even wait for the anyone . She took a spoonful halwa and stuffed it into her mouth relishing it's taste.

She totally forgot her manners in that moment. Kartik kept staring at her and at that halwa which kept on decreasing.  She let out a large belch at the end and we hadn't even started our plate of food. Sara gave us an embarassed look. " You've ate the entire bowl of halwa!" Kartik eyed the bowl pitifully making all of us chuckle.

" It's okay! I've saved some halwa for my son-in-law! " Mom served Kartik who flashed his smile at mom and earned a disapproved look from Sara.  "Stop eyeing my halwa!" Kartik made a gesture of hiding the bowl away from Sara.

Rohan sat down right next to me and
served me some butter paneer along with hop breads. " Aww shoo sweet!" Priyaansh said dramatically earning a glare from Rohan.

" How was your first night!" Priyaansh hit Sara on her arm slightly  while Kartik choked on his food. "Priyaansh!" Rohan gave him a deathly stare which was enough to make him go quiet.

Kartik signalled me towards my phone. I gave him a questioning look when he again pointed toward my phone. I peeped in to see his message. We gotta talk ! It's urgent. I nodded.

"If you don't mind Rohan, can i borrow my best friend for a while?!" Kartik wrapped his arms around my shoulders looking at Rohan who nodded. He pulled me along with him outside and made me sat onto the bench with him beside me.

"What happened?!" I was curious to know. He wasn't looking that good. Something was bothering him for sure. " Arohi your Step father sent a message in the morning..." My curious gaze tuned into questioning one.

" Your mom had an heart attack two weeks before!" I stood up from my place trying to control the tears. " And how's she now?" Kartik moved his gaze away from me. " Kartik! I'm talking to you..." I held him by his shoulders making him face me.

" She's no more Aro!" He cupped my face. I shrugged off his hands and took a few steps back . Kartik engulfed me into a hug " it's been one week since she's no more Aro.. her funeral is already done... Your step father ..." His voice cracked in between seeing a traumatised Arohi.

" Don't i have no right to know this.. don't i have the right to attend her funeral... " I sobbed into Kartik's embrace. Kartik patted my head making sob harder. " I'm.. I'm an.. or..orphan " I said in between my sobs.

" Arohi!" I glanced up to see Rohan giving me worried looks. More tears spilled my eyes. He approached me making Kartik take a few steps back. I threw my hands around his shoulders hid my head in his chest letting all the tears flow down my cheeks.

Rohan pulled me more into him whispering sweet nothings. 
" Ro..rohan... she left me.. I've no one to call my own!" He kept rubbing mt back till my sobs lessened. "Arohi.." He tried to break the hug. I nodded negatively and clutched his shirt tightly.

He let out a sigh before taking me into his arms and led me inside. I avoided the gaze of the others and hid myself into his chest. I didn't want to face anyone. He carefully placed me onto the bed and signed me to lay down.

I held his wrist making him sit beside me and laid my head onto his lap.
" Arohi...what happened!" He caressed my hairs. " Mom..maa..." my voice got stucked in my throat. He made me sat straight on the bed.

" You're not alone! I'm with you always..." He cupped my face and placed a kiss on the both side of her cheeks. " I'll come in a while!" He took my hands into his and pecked it.
" Don't go..." I held his wrist tightly.

" Baba.. I'll be back quick ok..." He took me into a hug waiting for my approval. I nodded and let go of him.
The sudden wave of sadness flowed in again and i could feel the hot liquid on my cheeks again. I covered my face with my palms sobbing harder.

I blamed myself for not being in  contact with her. The last time we had a convo.. rather an argument was that i was shifting from Delhi to Mumbai. I  should have paid heed to her. Maybe she would have been alive today.

" I couldn't be a good daughter!" I took the pillow and threw it at the door only for it to hit Rohan.
" Arohii... " He took quick steps towards me.

" I never got to tell her I loved her one last time. I didn’t get to hold her close, before she slipped away. I never even got to look into her loving face, which always brought me so much happiness, before she died.... " I met Rohan's gaze pouring my feelings.

Waves of pain washed over me, and my body convulsed to meet each one. She was gone, her light consumed by death’s empty darkness. All I had left of her was the fading image in my mind. I could still see her, caressing my hair and convincing me to go to school.

" It is.. suffocating me Rohan!" I caught his shirt and rest my head across his chest. I wiped my tears, tired of crying. " Sleep a little bit!" Rohan pressed his lips across my forehead. I snuggled more closer into him not letting other thoughts invade my mind.


Losing someone own is too hard... And the fact that you're left with  their memories only :)..

Life ia too short. Just live it to the maximum. Don't hesitate to say your parents that you love them immensely. You never know what's store in life for you. Be carefree, don't care about society.. Be you!!

Leaving you guys with  #varshra vm. 

P.s: Taking a break soon since ky exams starting as from this Thursday.. will try to update in between.

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