Chapter 13

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A heavy silence settled in the living room perhaps thicker then the uneasy tension in the atmosphere. Unsettled eyes glanced unceremoniously around and tried to avoid catching each other glances.

Rohan shifted uncomfortably in his seat and Kartik grasped Sara's nervous hands under the table. I shuffled my feet against the floor talking glance of Sara's mom whose gaze was fixed on Rohan.

Sighing in disappointment, Sara's mom began the conversation " I see you got yourself a gorgeous lady Ro.." She put up a sweet smile moving her gaze from me to Rohan.

" Her name is Arohi and she's  my wife..." Rohan said forcing a smile or rather not interested. Hurt  was clearly visible on her face. " Ohh nice... " She looked at me with a wide smile hiding the hurt.

Sara was quick enough to divert the conversation. " Uhmm mom Kartik is hungry. His stomach keeps on growling!" Kartik gave her an unbelievable look stating " Are you having plans to make me look like an utter fool in front of your mom! " It was loud enough  for me and Sara to hear.

I giggled along with Sara earning questioning looks from Rohan and Sara's mom. They were twins in giving expressions. I chuckled at my own thought before proceeding for the dinner.

" So Kartik, how's work going on?" Sara's mom asked politely while shoving a piece of chicken. Kartik cleared his throat twice before whispering in a timid voice " Uhmm nice..."

" Carrr Tick You're sounding like a girl!!" I couldn't help but burst out laughing not caring about my surroundings.The guy who can never stop blabbering nonsense was that much nervous that he couldn't even speak properly.

My laughter fade away when reality struck at me. I closed my eyes in embarrassment for a while before meeting all those amusing gaze fixed on me. Kartik gave me an annoyed look. Shit did i just call him Carrr Tick in front of his in- laws. It's high time for me to stop giving nick names!

I let out an apologetic smile before gathering my face in the palm of my hands. Rohan poked me lightly on the arms removing my hands from my face. I gave him an embarassed look while he let out a laugh. Seriously this guy is laughing, i just made a fool out of myself and he's enjoying.

Soon everyone joined the laughter making me go crimson red due to embarassment. " Arohi..." I moved my gaze Sara's mom." I think Rohan has taken the bestest decision of his life by marrying you!" She let out a brightest smile.

I took a glance at Rohan who was busy playing with his spoon and fork. Playing dandiya with them i guess...
I'll never understand this guy. Anyway forcusing back to my dearie sartik..

Sara was signalling kartik something through some gestures. Kartik nodded and gulped down the entire glass of water. I gave him a questioning look while he pointed me his ring finger.

Ohh so Carrr Tick is going to talk about his wedding. I gave him a reassuring look. " Uhmm Aunty... " Kartik waited for a while and when getring the approval of her. He took a glance at Rohan who signalled him to go ahead.

" Aunty i want to marry your daughter.. And before you say anything, i would like to say that i may not earn that much as you guys earn. But all I know is that your daughter own my heart. " He took a long pause and met his gaze to sara.

" I may not provide her all the luxury you guys had given her since her birth but I'll do my best that she lacks nothing. I won't promise to not let her cry but i promise to stay by her side when she'll cry. "

Kartik look at all of  us and seeing no expression on our face, he concluded  " Sorry if i just blabbered nonsense, I'm just a bit nervous.. But I truly love your daughter m'am. " He ended with a nervous look.

Rohan side hugged him while Sara gave her an smile while tears spilled from her eyes. I blinked my eyes twice assuring him that everything will be fine.

Everyone eyes were fixed on Sara's mom. " Well I'm not gonna play antagonist here. Who wouldn't melt if she gets such a handsome and adorable son- in- law! " She broke out a huge smile taking Sara and Kartik in her embrace.

I sent silent prayers thanking the god. Everything went smoothly. I guess that's was my purpose of getting married with Rohan. I let out a look at him who was  already engaged on his phone.

My thought was put to an halt when i sensed a tap on my shoulder. " It's nice to meet you Arohi!" Sara's mom smiled sweetly at me. "Same Aunty!" I returned her smile back.

" Ummm I know Nanda doesn't call me mom but you atleast can call me mom.. " She gave me hopeful looks making me nodded in approval. " You calls him Nanda!" I was bewildered by this fact when she nodded.

We didn't realised when time flew away in back bitching Nanda. "Arohi!!!" I peeped to the voice's direction to see Rohan signalling me to come.

"Seems like time to go Sweetheart!" Mom patted my head making me frown. " Yaa" i sigh in despair and made my way to Nanda and Sara and Kartik.

" Ro you both proceed, me and Kartik will spend some more time with Mom.. " Rohan nodded and forced a smile at Mom. I ignored him and took mom in an embrace. " Bye maa"

" Do visit me when you got time sweetheart!" She ruffled my hair making me chuckled. Rohan was left amaze by our bond i guess. My smile grew wider seeing the reaction of Nanda. If a mosquito would have entered his mouth, it would have been perfect!

Sometimes when you meet someone; it's so clear immediately that you belong together on some level. As friends or family or as something entirely differently. You meet these people throughout your life out of nowhere under the strangest of circumstances.

And they help you make a life. I don't know if that makes me believe in coincidence, fate or sheer blind luck but it definitely makes me believe in something. After Kartik, i feel that I've got some more people to call my own.

I don't know whether me and Rohan are gonna last forever because of his obssession of his stupid marriage deal. But I'm not gonna leave this man now. I'll fight for us and make us last long. I can't afford to leave a family now.

I'm gonna win your love Nanda and will make sure that you expressed your feelings. You'll see a different Arohi from now on. I grinned at my thought and spared a look to Nanda.


Heyyaa people!
Hope you had a happy time reading.

I know too much is going on due to the case. But our girls are queens❤... And We are always there for them no matter what!.. More power to all the Saraians and Shraddhagems out there supporting them❤

Leaving you guys with Soulmate♡♡

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