Chapter 2

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Arohi POV :

I walked through the corridor cursing Rohan under her breath when I bumped into someone.

I immediately apologised to him "I'm really sorry, i didn't pay attention..." The man nodded understandingly and said " It's actually my fault also , i should have watch my steps..."

He smiled at me genuinely and asked " Uhmm you are?.." Smiling I said " Arohi Shirke." He smiled  and forwarded his hand " Priyansh..."

I accepted the handshake while  nodding.  " You came here for an interview?.. " Priyaansh asked while i i nodded and added annoyingly  " I didn't know Rohan is soo arrogant otherwise i would have never come for the interview"

Priyaansh chuckled and said " well hope you get the job.. it would have been so fun to get a friend like you..." I was about to say something when he excused himself saying he had some work and left toward Rohan's cabin.

Sighing disappointedly I was leaving the office premises when a lady ran behind me . I looked at her confusely while she was panting for air.

" Document?!" The lady asked me. I gave her a blank look. She further explained " You got the job so i need the document which Rohan..sir handed over to you, i need to complete a few formalities. "

I quickly took a glance at my file  and saw the document that Rohan inserted. The lady forwarded her hands and I forwarded the paper blankly.

"Come on inside!" The lady signed me and I followed her. She was asked to wait for a while the lady dispersed in an another cabin.

I quickly dialled the number of kartik, her best friend and savior. After a few rings, the call was answered and came a sleepy voice from the other side "Heyya bae!.."

"Cut the crap Kartik! I've got the job! What shall i do!.." I snapped at him while Kartik yawned and said "Jump in happiness and treat me a dinner!.."

"Kartik!!! That's not funny at all.. I didn't want this job.. i mean i did want but not anymore..." I said annoyingly making Kartik sigh in  disappointment.

"What about your stupid crush on him?! "He asked annoyingly while I  replied " It got crushed a while ago!"

"Babe , you need this job badly unless you want to get married to that asshole. Remember your parent's condition!" Kartik stated making me  recall the stupid condition of my parent.

I sigh disappointedly and nodded as if he will see me doing so. "Bae you there?" Kartik asked while I hummed and the line went dead when I saw the same lady approaching her.

She handed me a few documents and asked me to go through the contract before signing it. Nodding positively, i went through the contract and having no choice, I signed it and  handed it over to the lady.

"Welcome to RN. Corporation . I'm Sara Ali Khan, the manager of the company. Hope you have a great journey with us." Sara said sweetly and forwarded her hands to which I reciprocated saying "Thank you!"

Sara smiled and added " See ya tomorrow Arohi." and she excused herself and left from there. I quickly left the office premises.

Once I was out, I  messaged Kartik "Meet me at Nevada Café as soon as possible".


Kartik was sipping his coffee along stuffing a few biscuits in his big mouth earning a disbelief look from me which he shrugged away.

" I didn't called you to stuff biscuits!" I spatted at him while he was unbothered. " Damn you kartik, I need a freaking advice!.."

Kartik tilted his head to glance at me and said " It's very simple, it was your dream to work him!. Forget about his personality and just concentrate on your career. I know you'll handle him.  He may be not that strict as much his employees had portrayed him. And if it doesn't work out. You can resign after 6 months!"

I looked at him briefly for a few second. He was actually right. I know how to handle people with attitude. And i need to prove myself in my parent's eyes also.

I smiled gratefully at Kartik who was already engrossed in sipping his coffee. This Foody!.. I chuckled and got lost in the web of my own thoughts about tomorrow.

Sensing a tap on my elbow, i looked at Kartik who motioned me the time. I nodded and made my way out while he left for his date.

I tried to fall asleep straight away at ten p.m but it was next to impossible. My head was filled with several thoughts and "what ifs" constantly flooding into my brain.

I turned on my phone and scrolled through my Instagram feed, trying to divert myself but in vain. Tossing and turning in the bed, i tried to brush out all the thoughts and grabbed some sleep. I eventually dozed off at half past four, leaving me two and a half hours for the morning

" Pouah!” I scoffed, rolling over in my slovenly sheets when i heard a loud shriek. Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face. I blinked twice and rubbed my eyes to have a clear view of the culprit.

"Kartik!!" I growled while he sheepishly smiled and said " It's your first day at work and you definitely don't want to be late!"

I let out an exasperated sigh, groaning as  I sat up, dragged my feet off the bed, and rubbed my knuckles onto my eyes. I grabbed my formal attire and dispersed in the bathroom.

" It's 8 already Aru!" I heard him screaming from outside. I quickly tied a ponytail and did a minimal make up and made my way to the kitchen.

Here he was with a bowl of curd. I rolled my eyes when he came forward and said dramatically " Daughter you are entering the world of business, have this sweet so that your journey sweetened..."

He forwarded the spoon to my mouth and i gulped the cold curd and added dramatically " thanks for the blessing my dear father..." He chuckled at me and then realisation hit us, time was running. 

As soon i entered the office, i could sense everyone's gaze on me.I could feel my pulse pounding in my temples. I sigh and put a nervous smile and greet a few people before colling with this sweet guy again.

Unknowingly a smile crept up my lip while he was smiling broadly at me saying  "It's soo nice to see you Arohi." I chuckled at his excitement and replied " looking forward to work with you Priyaansh."

Priyaansh again gave me a wide smile and asked me to accompany him. I nodded and did so. For some reason this guy give me positive vibes. "Here's your cabin!, just opposite Nanda's Cabin.." He said breaking my trance.

I smiled gratefully at him but realising what he said , I glanced at the other cabin. Thankfully he was not here yet. I was proud of myself to be early. Priyaansh excused himself and left me on my own not before giving me some advice. Such a sweet guy he is.

I took a proper look at my cabin. I would lie if i say I was not impressed. I made my step toward the window to admire the beauty of the city when my eyes fell on the black Mercedes.

And there came Rohan Nanda in his black three piece suit.  I gaped openly while observing his sharp jaw, chin, and cheekbones. On either side of his straight nose were two blazing hazel eyes. Spiked, warm brown fringed with smooth green. His dark brows were actually graceful, but currently furrowed in a frown.

How can someone not fall for this man?! I brushed out my thoughts and concentrated on him. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when i saw the manager... uhmm Sara with him.

Are they a couple ?.. i guess that's why she took a long pause before adding sir while talking to me yesterday. Anyway who cares!.. It's their personal life.

Signing disappointedly, i made my way toward my chair and took a look at Rohan's Schedule. You're gonna have a tough day ahead Arohi. I thought to myself.


Heyya peeps.
Sorry for the delay.

I've decided to post this story every Sunday since my weekdays and saturday are booked for college and tuitions😖 hence only sunday remaining with me!

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