Chapter 22

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I sigh when a pile of files were kept on my desk. It was so fool of me to think that Nanda will go easy on me. You're not Nanda's wife here but the arrogant Rohan's PA. I shrugged off my thoughts focusing on my work.

Priyaansh's message popped up in my phone. Don't forget it's Rohan's Coffee time Miss PA! I quickly typed a thank you making my way to the kitchen. I literally rushed into his cabin making sure to not fall over with the coffee.

" Your Coffee ... " My voice faded when I saw he was already served his coffee. A frown made it's way to my face when I saw a tall lady in a red dress clinging to him. I turned my stern gaze to Rohan.

He quickly placed down the cup of  coffee on his desk and took a step back from that lady. " Uhmm.. Arohi She's Aradhya. She was fulfilling my needs when you were not here!"

I raised an eyebrow to him. Fulfilling your needs! " I mean she was just replacing you. She actually works in advertising department. So Priyaansh recommended her for multitasking since you didn't want a new P.A..." His gaze met mine. I nodded and left from there banging the door as loudly as possible.

I took a sip of the coffee hoping for it to calm my nerves. The door flashed open with a nervous Nanda. I stood up from my place giving him a fake smile. " You want something sir?"

He nodded negatively and approached me. My cheeks were paining flashing this fake smile. He pinched my nose and encircled his hands around my waist. " Are you angry my dear wifey ? " He rubbed his nose across mine.

" What do you want?" I didn't try to push him away knowing that it's in vain.  " Why did you left from there?" He gave me questioning look. I met his gaze. " Ohh yaa i should've stayed there seeing you both romantic drama! "

He looked at me for a brief seconds before laughing loudly which caught others staff attention. I got rid of his hold and stared at this maniac man who happened to be my husband. I rolled my eyes.

" You... you look like a when you're jealous " Rohan said in between his laugh and pulled my cheeks. I shrugged his hands off." Rohan! Everyone's gaze is over us!" I tried to get rid of him while he was not taking name to leave.

He left not before planting a kiss on my cheeks. I closed my eyes in embarrassment and my hands automatically reached my cheeks. Rohan Nanda will be the cause of your death! My heart officially confirmed. I quickly closed the door to avoid more gazes.

I went through the files when my phone kept on buzzing. My smile widened seeing the photos sent by Kartik. So my Sartik are enjoying their honeymoon.

I think you and Rohan should join us! My phone buzzed again.

So that you can blame me and my husband for being a thirdwheeler!... I smirked winning over the conversation.

No babe! We want you here because Sara wants to be an aunt. My eyes widened at his text. Why is everyone talking about kids?! I inhaled a deep breath trying to ease the redness of my cheeks.

Just go and enjoy idiot... I have work to do! I typed in a hope that he'll stop texting nonsense for heaven sake .

Okay so I'm getting good news from you guys when I'm back then! What the hell?! This guy is insane.

Just one more message! You will be blocked  Mr Carrrr Tick! I typed irritatedly and threw the phone on the desk shrugging off these thoughts.
Concentrate on your work Arohi!

I opened my laptop when my phone started ringing. It must be Kartik. " Can't you enjoy with your wife quietly! Why bothering me?" I let out my frustration in one go.

" Arohi I think you should check the number first... " A mysterious voice came from the other side. It was not Kartik. It was an unknown call. " Who are you and how do you know my name?" Curiosity took over me.

" That shouldn't matter Mrs Arohi Nanda! All that you should know is how your mom and your father in lae is connected and most importantly the murder of your father... " His voice trailed off and ended the call.

Murder of my father... Tears welled up my eyes. Mom told me dad had an accident. My mom and Rohan's Dad! Was Mr Sharma right? I rubbed my forehead roughly in order to get rid of the migrain.

My phone buzzed again. I'm a little astonish, you are not aware of this fact. Your husband had already found out about your dad murderer! Rohan... Arohi breathe. You can't just believe any stranger over Rohan. Confront Rohan and have faith in him. I consoled my heart.

Wiping my tears, i made my way to his cabin. He was indulged in his work. I cleared my throat gaining his attention. Rohan flashed a smile at me and gestured me to sit.

" Rohan i want to go home! I'm not feeling well... " I rubbed my forehead slightly sensing the migrain again. He looked at me questioningly. I pointed at my forehead. The next thing i knew he took his coat and pulled me along with him.

" Priyaansh take care of the stuff ! We are heading home." We ran into him in the way. Priyaansh nodded and gave me concern looks. Am i looking sick? I shrugged off my thoughts.

This is the right time to confront him Arohi. I convinced myself. I stole glances from him. He was concentrating on the road. Once we are home, I'm doing this. I was determined.


That's it for today... A few more chapters to go! 🤗❤....
Sorry for grammatical errors. I was a little bit lazy ( too much i guess) to cross over it.

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