29. Jason-I would never betray Dick

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"No!" Jason shouted as he snapped the rope that tied him down and grabbed the Red Hood's neck and pinned him to the wall. The gunman pointed the guns at him. The Red Hood just stood there laughing. "I won't play your sick games!!" Jason shouted.
"Oh but you will. If you don't work for me or kill me, I have a contact who will release the names of your friends and family."
I don't know if that's true but I can't take a chance.
Jason slowly released the Red Hood. "Who the hell are you? And why the hell are you doing this?"
"You took everything away from me, Jason!" So he does know who I am. How? I'm pretty sure that I'd never tell someone that I was Flamebird in any timeline. I would never give up the names of my friends and family. I would never betray them. I would never betray Dick. "You took away my life. It should've been me that was taken in by Batman, Bruce Wayne. I could've became a hero. But it was you! You always take, Jason. You replaced me. If our parents didn't have you, they wouldn't have abandoned me! They practically left me to die. While I was living on the streets, barely surviving, you were living at a mansion! You got everything that I deserved!"
Wait. Our parents?? What is this guy rambling on about?
He removed his helmet and threw it at the ground in anger.

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