27. Jason-I expected more from you

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"There's an attack again. He'll just have to meet us there." Wally said as he looked at his phone.
Jason got up from the couch but Wally stopped him.
"I don't think you should come."
"Why not?"
"It's the Red Hood. And well with what happened last time..."
"I'll be fine. I need to punch someone," Jason replies as he left the room to go put on his suit. I'm mad at myself for driving Dick away. But it was the right thing to do. I need to focus my anger on something. Someone, who took my name and is destroying it.
The Titans arrived and there were multiple shooters.
"I got the Red Hood," Jason said as he ran off, not waiting for an answer.
Wally said, "Roy, can you back Jason up?"
"Sure thing, Wal," Roy responded as he went after Jason.
Jason stared at the Red Hood. He's like an exact copy of me. That's unsettling.
Jason fired his gun but, the Red Hood evaded. He knew whoever this was, is just as skilled as he was when he was the Red Hood. He threw the gun aside and charged at him without thinking things through.
The Red Hood quickly dodged him and stabbed him in the back with a knife. Red Hood laughed as Jason screamed in pain. Jason got frustrated and swung his fist at the Red Hood but he grabbed it and twisted it. Fuck! The Lazarus pit enhanced my strength so now my body is a lot weaker. The Red Hood slammed Jason to the ground and kicked him. The Red Hood was laughing so much, he was having way too much fun beating him up. "Jason!" He heard someone scream, it was Roy. But, Roy couldn't get to Jason, he was blocked. Jason tried to get up but he couldn't. The Red Hood kept laughing while beating him. Before Jason passed out, he heard the Red Hood say was, "Wow, I expected so much more from you. You disappoint me. But, I'm going to have fun making your life a living hell, Jason."

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