Candy and Kidnappings (An Amy Story)

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It was a typical Tuesday afternoon in the Cimorelli household. The girls were off filming a video for their YouTube channel, the boys were playing a basketball game, and Mom and Dad were having a chat about their childrens' futures. The plan was to go to the candy store later to pick up some sweets to celebrate the latest tour.

"Hey, Amy, could you go grab a pad of paper and some markers? We need to write a sign for the next scene," called Katherine.

"Sure thing," Amy replied as she hopped off the stool to fetch the items. As she was walking, she thought she heard a whisper. What was that?  She strained to try to decipher the words. Coming... coming soon. Danger... danger! What? She could almost swear she had heard "comet moon ranger," but that most certainly did NOT make sense. Whatever, it probably doesn't matter anyway, Amy reasoned. Actually, what am I thinking? There was probably no voice anyway! She giggled to herself a bit, then went to grab the paper and markers.

"Here you go," Amy said as she handed over the items. Katherine smiled her thanks and started to write the sign. "We should be done filming soon, then we can go to the candy store. I'll let Mom and Dad know."

After the girls had finished filming, everyone got ready and headed over to the cars. The boys went with Dad, and the girls with Mom.

In the car, the girls began to have the strangest discussions. "And then the squid came over and said, 'You're gonna be next!' So then I just laughed at him and then threw a jar of peanut butter which expanded into this huge monster which killed the squid. And then I realized I was the monster killing my fears or whatever."

"What the rip Lisa you have the weirdest dreams," laughed Christina.

"Don't I know it," she replied as she crossed her eyes. "Actually, I had this really weird one lately with this angel that was coming and saying like danger coming soon or whatever. There was someone being kidnapped by this good looking guy and his father. And then the voice like a kind of faded away... and I swear I heard Amy's name but... I'm not sure really."

Amy froze. What had she thought she heard before? Comet moon ranger? Could it have been coming soon danger, just like what Lisa had seen in her dream?

"Guys..." she started to say, "I need to tell you som-" But no one was listening to her. They were too busy chatting about some stupid song. She sighed and leaned back against the car seat. It probably wasn't that important anyway.

When they arrived at the candy store, Mom told everyone to split up and get the candy that they wanted. Only $10 worth each, she reminded them. You can share after, but make sure to get what you really want. Everyone headed off into a different direction. Dani headed down the hard candy aisle (she thought that chocolate was overrated) while Lauren headed down the chocolate aisle (she thought that candy like Sour Patch Kids tasted like chemicals).

After a few minutes, the only person left was Amy. She was too nervous to pick a candy because there were so many options. I don't know, I don't know! she thought as she paced from row to row. Ok, I'll just head this way.

Amy walked, passing some aisles, heading through some doors, down a few stairs until she came to a stop and looked around. There was no candy in sight. Where had she gone? It seemed like she was in an old hallway of the same building as the candy store.

"I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared," she muttered under her breath. She started gasping and running this way and that. She didn't know where to go or what to do. Suddenly, a voice called out, "Hey, you over there." Amy looked up nervously. She mouthed, me?, and pointed to herself. The young man nodded smoothly. "Are you lost? I can help you, my father owns the building. I know this place like the back of my hand." Amy smiled and nodded slowly. She started to follow the boy.

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