Rage (A Lauren Story/Part 2)

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-treating my memory of you like a fire, let it/burn out, don't fight it, and try to move on-

Lauren's POV

I hate this.

I always end up back in the same place. I throw a punch, my fists lashing out before I can take a single breath. The satisfying smack, the force of the hit vibrating up my arm, the wild energy flowing through me. I feel invincible.

I hate it. Or do I?

Maybe I love it.

And maybe I hate that I love it.

The surge it gives me... that feeling of power, like nothing can break me down. It's like floating on air, if that air was made of a crackling, electrifying sort of energy rather than the typical nitrogen-oxygen-gas mix. God, the feeling. It's all- consuming. Terrible. But so wonderful in the same moment.

And it kills me every time. There's nothing worse than seeing someone you love in pain. Especially pain that you caused. It hurts, it truly does. You don't know how much it hurts.

But I can't help but crave that intense feeling, the rush, the exhilaration. I'd do anything to experience it again and again and again.

And maybe that's why I'm still here, stuck in this rut. Maybe that's why I can't just 'let go.' Because I love the rage, the fire inside me. And I'll let it burn bright, never letting the spark inside die down.

I shouldn't.

But I do.


Dani's POV

She did it again.

She did it again.

I'm always trying to find excuses for her, find a reason for the pain she's causing me. But at this point, I'm grasping at straws. I don't know why she is the way she is. I mean, it wasn't always like this. We used to be close- sister close, best friend close. You could even say we were twin close, a linked pair, neither fully complete without the other.

Well, that is, until now.

And there's really no denying it- something's changed. Sometime in the past year or so, Lauren found something to cradle, something to nourish. A small flame. Then a fire. Soon, the whole world will be burning.

And I don't want to be there to see it.

So maybe... it's finally time to let go.

Christina's POV


I lower the phone from my ear, my eyes still frantically searching the computer screen for any sign, any glimmer of hope. I don't have time for this.

"What, Lauren? I'm busy right now. I really-"

My voice catches, my throat constricting, unable to form a single sound. I swallow and feel the tight lump go down my throat.

"I can't talk right now," I whisper.

I can feel her hesitation, unsure whether to go or stay.

"It's... it's Dani."

Her voice is soft, a slight tremble to the words. She lets out a shaky breath.

I can't forget what's going on right now, but a protective instinct kicks in.

"What do you mean? I mean, nothing happened to Danielle, right? You wouldn't let anything happen, right?"

"I, well. Well, you see..."

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