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She was sick of being ignored.

Sick of staying in the shadows, barely noticed by anyone or anything.

She'd always felt this way, smothered by a heavy cloak of endless nothingness, a land for the lone. And even though she'd been suffocating under the dense layers of solitude for years, it somehow became worse at thirteen. Everything became worse.

Because at thirteen they stopped talking to her.

And at thirteen she stopped talking to them.

Her emotions were slowly drowning her, pulling her further and further into the dark abyss. There was a never-ending pressure to be somebody. More than just a girl in the crowd, floating through life without a care. She had to be someone with a name, a story, a life.

But she never felt like anyone. She was just a ghost, a bare wisp of a thing, overshadowed by her older sisters. And even by her younger ones.

They never felt this way. Constantly searching for a new foothold, somewhere to breathe, a place called home. It was so easy for them. So easy.

Friends, talent, beauty- even something as simple as a personality. They had it all, destined for greatness from the very moment they took their first breath.

Love, intelligence, loyalty. If she'd been granted even a speck of that, there would be no problems making friends or having having an actual life.

Growing, learning, smiling.

It's never easy.

She knew that. The words constantly simmered in the back of her mind, pushing her forward yet still drawing her back, away from the life she hoped to have. And she wanted that life, desperately. But she still panicked whenever her eyes caught hold of an old classmate, even when she knew they wouldn't pay her any mind.

And now.

There were people everywhere, surrounding her, swarming all over. Pushing past, pushing in.

She couldn't breathe.

Truthfully, they were more than ten feet away. But even a hundred miles seemed like nothing. Her frantic mind couldn't bear even the farthest distance. Not when there was a possibility of a person there, watching, waiting, wandering.

She needed to get out.

They were drawing closer, smiles splashed across their faces, laughter thrown easily into the air.

She couldn't stop shaking.

And then they were gone. They'd strolled right past her as if she didn't exist.

But she did.

Yet at the same time, she was nothing more than a ghost.


"You matter to me. You're special. I care about you. Only you. I love you."

She shook her head. There was no way she cared. No one had ever cared before; why would someone drop out of nowhere and pretend they did?

It was cruel, for she knew it wouldn't last. The longest someone had ever stayed was month. A single, short month. The best month of her life. It had been most perfect time, a glorious fantasy, yet still somewhat of a dream. It was a time full of laughter, fiery love, warm lips pressed on warm lips. It was the most beautiful experience of her life. And as always, it ended far too soon.

Because everyone she'd ever known had found someone better than her.

Someone smarter.


More beautiful.

They flitted away, barely leaving a trace behind.

But it didn't matter how deep the mark was. Because any scratch left a deep scar on her heart, merging together in a tangle of hurt.

So, no, she couldn't believe it. No one could care for her like that, granting her pure, unwavering love. She'd always been used- for her body, for her sweet smile, for her family.

And she'd always thought it was real.

But it never was. So how could she trust anything new? They'd always left, and they would always leave again.

"I know you've been bruised, cut, hurt. But I promise I'll stay. I love you."

"As do I," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "But this is a terrible world, one without the freedom of love. You know things will never be the same. We'll be shunned, shoved to the back corner of society."

She said that, but in her heart she knew it wasn't true. There were plenty of people who would accept them for who they were. But she didn't yet accept herself. Rather, she didn't accept the freely given love.

It was unnatural to her, as strange as the feeling of tranquility.

"But we will," the other girl continued on earnestly. "We're allowed to love who we want, I don't give a damn. Black, white, yellow. Men, women, and everything in-between. But, well, I need you with me."

Do you? she wondered.

Maybe yes.

Maybe no.

Either way, there was only one choice to be made. She didn't have a doubt in her mind as she reached out and wrapped her arms around the other girl.

She smiled.

I love you.

And then she disappeared, fading away into the inky darkness as if she had never been there at all.

But her words, her thoughts, her heart echoed on into the night.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I do.


Idk, I hope you enjoyed this. Thank you so much for reading, commenting, and voting!

Update no one cares about:
I have quite a few unfinished stories which I should probably finish. Also, I might eventually leave/convert this account. I feel like I'm drifting away from this fandom and moving on to other fandoms. Maybe I'll make some fanfics on those, who knows. At that point, I'll either make a new account and leave it unlinked, or change this account up. (Or just stop posting my stories lol)

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