Save Me (A Lauren and Christina Story/Pt. 2)

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"Save me," Lauren whispers.

Her voice is fragile, delicate as the finest porcelain. She stares at the ground intently, afraid to look up, afraid to truly admit her need for help. I can feel the sharp pain, the waves of desperation rolling off her. She's so close to the breaking point, barely hanging on by a thread.

An overwhelming wave of emotions floods through my heart, crashing and surging into my soul.

"I will," I promise, my voice catching in my throat. "I will, Laur. Forever and always."

She lifts her gaze up to meet mine. There's a broken sort of innocence in her eyes, fragile and untouched. But underneath that layer I see a swirling storm, dark and unreachable.

She's scared to let me in, I can tell. Scared to be hurt. Scared to be let down.

But she's taking the leap of faith, reaching out for help.

"Chris," she begins. "Chris-"

She lets out a small breath.

"Thank you," she says softly. "Just... thank you."

"Always, Laur."

I lean over and pull Lauren into another embrace, my eyes prickling with unshed tears. I hug her tightly, pushing as much warmth into her  body as I can.

"I love you," I breathe softly.

A few moments pass, time stretching out between us. We're somehow connected, our hearts intertwined, beating together in the same slow, steady rhythm.

"I love you too."

Lauren leans back and stares directly into my face. Her wavy hair is disheveled, her eyes rimmed with red, but she's never looked more beautiful.

"I love you, Chris," she repeats.

I smile. No, you don't. You'll never love me. No one will. Not you, not anyone.

Lauren flinches.

"What- what do you mean?"

She tilts her head and leans forward slightly, her expression a mask of confusion and concern.


"You- you said something. Right after we finished hugging."

A trickle goes down my back, a frigid, icy sort of feeling.

"No, I didn't," I say shortly.

"Are you sure, Chris?"

Her dark brown eyes are penetrating, her gaze sharp.

"Because, you know, you can always talk to me..."

"No, no, everything's fine. You must have heard something else."

I force a smile and settle back on the bed.

Lauren hesitates, a flicker of suspicion flitting across her face. She looks as if she wants to push harder, but she lets the conversation die away.


An awkward silence falls between the two of us. A moment passes, then two, then three.

Then Lauren turns to face me, her features hard, set with a fiery sort of determination.

"Christina, please talk to me. It's not nothing. You have to let someone in, like I did. Please, Chris. I promise it'll help."

"I... can't," I mumble, shaking my head. "I- I'm sorry, Laur. I can't."

"Just try," she pleads.

"You don't understand. It's... no, I can't do it."

I close my eyes, trying to settle the raging storm inside. I focus on the regularity of the soft ticking clock, trying to reign myself back in.

One breath in.



Another breath.

Just one more.

Just one more.

And then a pair of arms swoops in and envelops me, holding me tightly.

"I love you," I hear. "I do, Chris, and I always will."

I open my eyes to find Lauren staring at me, her expression full of comfort. She gazes into me, her arms still circling my body, a warm and steady presence.

She squeezes my hand one last time, then steps back.


I just smile at her worried gaze.

She frowns and shakes her head.

"Chris, you can't avoid it forever. I'm not a therapist. But I can tell you're not okay. I think you know it, too."

"I'm fine," I say flatly.

And I am fine. Right? I'm fine. Completely fine. Totally fine.


"I'm fine," I snap, shaking my head. "But- but what about you, Laur? That's why were here, after all."

"Oh, Christina," she sighs.


She lets out another heavy sigh.

"You're so strong, you know that? You're always there for everyone else. But sometimes you have to be there for yourself."

She pokes me in the arm.

"Because you deserve it. You are the strongest, most amazing woman I know. I look up to you in so many ways. You're the best big sister, and I know you'll be the best mother, too. I love you so much."

She pauses, then continues, a bit softer, "Christina Lynne Cimorelli. You said you'd save me. And you will. But only if I can save you."

She looks up into my eyes, a warm, sweet sort of comfort pouring out of her gaze.

"Let me," she says, reaching her hand out.


I hesitate, then move my hand to meet hers.



And for the final time, we fall into a tight embrace.

It's still the same. We're still the same. Still two broken sisters trying to find their way. We've still been hurt beyond belief, fallen time and time again. We're still shattered, still full of darkness, of pain.

But that doesn't mean we can't mend   the broken pieces. Save each other, save ourselves.

No, it doesn't.

So we'll move forward, find our way out of this vicious cycle.

Maybe we can finally be saved.

Or maybe... maybe we already have.


Hope you enjoyed this! I wasn't going to write a second part, but it was requested/suggested so I tried my best.

Anyway, just wanted to say a huge thank you to those who are reading, voting, and commenting. I appreciate all of you so much! :)

And... sorry  for the lack of updates. I can't promise much more, but I do have some prewritten stories. I'll release those when I find the time to edit them.

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