Overworked (A Lisa Story/Ending #2)

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"It seems like Miss Cimorelli collapsed from pure exhaustion. We don't know much else, however. She is awake, but
she's refusing to answer our questions. We were hoping that Miss Cimorelli would be willing to interact with a blood relation."

The doctor regarded the girls appraisingly.

"Will you make an attempt?"

Christina glanced back at the rest of her sisters, searchingly. She witnessed the steely determination, the fire, in every single one of their eyes. A small tilt of the head and the sisters rose, almost as one unit.

"Yes, we will."


Later, the girls are discussing Lisa.

"Is she going to be okay?" Amy asked nervously as she fiddled with the bright blue beads in her hair.

"Yes," Lauren said shortly.

"Really?" Amy's eyebrows knitted in confusion. "I didn't think she was doing well. In the head, at least."

Amy tapped the side of her noggin twice in quick succession.

"She'll be fine."

Lauren spoke through clenched teeth.

"But really, her mental health seems to be going downhill. Honestly, she needs some more help. A lot of it."

Amy prattled on, completely oblivious to the growing tension in the room.

"I mean, like, why couldn't she just tell us it was too much work? It's not that hard."

"Shut up."

Lauren's hands were now balled into tight fists, her entire body shaking with rage.

"I mean, really. Wait, what?"

"Shut UP. It's harder than you think. Just- just stop talking for once, will you?"

Amy sat back in her seat, put out. Then she rolled her eyes and picked up her phone.


"You should be," said Lauren, barely managing to contain her hot-white anger.

"Just shut up, the lot of you."

Christina stood up and faced the rest of her sisters. The near constant squabbling and bickering fell to an occasional whisper as the group waited for her next statement.

"I just wanted to tell you guys something important. Lisa was telling me, well, here."

Christina heaved a sigh, then clicked open her phone. She handed the small device off to the younger sisters.

The girls huddled around the small screen, peering at the pixelated words.


Lisa: christina
Lisa: chris why is life so dang hard
Lisa: i hate it
Lisa: i hate my life
Lisa: i hate myself
Christina: lisa 🥺
Christina: lise listen to me
Christina: you are so beautiful and worth so much
Christina: i love you to the moon and back
Christina: im calling you please pick up
Lisa: okay...


Lisa sat in her room, feeling worthless as always. She didn't understand how everyone walked through life with a smile on their face. She's never done that, and she never will. Well, unless she's faking it.

Lisa stared out the window and traced her finger along the smooth glass. The moon was shining brightly, the stars flickering and dancing in a beautiful, flowing pattern. It was so wonderful, the soft light glowing and bathing the world in beauty. Even the darkness was majestic.

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