Rage (A Lauren Story)

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Lauren's POV

"Dani, c'mon!"

I laugh as I pull her through the streets, dodging past the rickety cafe chairs, sidestepping the occasional stray dog.

"It's just the coffee shop."

I turn back to face her. "Just the coffee shop, Dan."

"Yeah, but I don't feel like it, Lauren," she says stiffly, shooting me a pointed glance.


"Lauren, I don't want to go. Why are you making me?" The whine in her voice is apparent.

"Because you need to," I fire back, a sharp edge to my words. "You do. Just bear with me for a second, would you?"

She scowls for a second, her brows drawing together. Then she wipes the angry expression off of her face, tilting her head in a sweet manner.

"Okay, Lauren, what do you have for me, darling?"

I let out a heavy sigh. Not this again.

"Cut the crap, Dan."

She just glances at me, her eyes wide and innocent. She reaches out, drawing her hand through my hair in a sickly sweet, cloying manner. A delicate smile frames her face, the whisper of laughter sweeping her lips.

I shake my head.

"Cut it out. I'm serious."

Her eyebrows raise a hair, waiting, waiting. But I won't give in to the taunt. So I step away, just gazing down the road, watching nothing, seeing nothing. I shake my head slightly as we move onto the sidewalk.

I can feel something rising within me, pulsing in my veins. A dark flame, a dangerous spark ready to be set alight.

"Ready, yet, darling?" Dani smiles.

It's not worth it. Don't let her get to you.

We walk a few more blocks.

One step after another. Keep control.

Dani's tinkling laughter and sugary words draw my rage closer and closer to the surface.

Don't let her get to you. Stay-

Then I reach my breaking point. I can't handle any more of her stupid smiles, her airy giggles, her fake personality. So I give in. I let the anger sweep over me, let the fire blind me. Fury courses through my veins. I will do nothing to stop it.

"I'm serious, Dani," I say, whirling around. My eyes are alight, my hands in tight fists. Let the rage fill me, control me, I don't care. The power is exhilarating.

"You haven't left the house to do anything since Lisa left to work on her solo stuff. You sit there, expecting to be fed, cared for like a pampered princess. And then you act like this?"

I step a foot closer to her, my gaze icy.

"Laur-" she starts.

"Don't 'Laur' me. I don't need your pitiful excuses," I snarl.

She backs up quickly, stumbling over her own feet. Her face is a mask of fear, so different from her sugar- sweet demeanor a few moments ago.

"Please, calm down," she cries, her eyes wide. "You're not being yourself!"

I reach out, my hand latching on to her hair. Then I pull. Hard.

"Neither." A quick slap.

"Are." A kick.

"You." A final punch in the stomach.

She grimaces in pain, bending over and clutching her abdomen.

"Hard hitter, you are," she gasps.

I stare at her for a few seconds, watch her wince in pain. Then it all comes crashing down. I stumble back.

"Oh my god," I whisper. My voice is barely audible. "Oh my god. What did I just do?"

I fall to my knees. It feels like someone took out stomach, twisted it into a thousand knots, and shoved it back into my body. Did I just punch my sister? Kick her? Slap her?

"I'm sorry. Dani, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." I scramble back to my feet.

"Why?" Her voice is faint, but steady.

"I- I didn't mean to. It just sort of... happened. I'm sorry, Dani. I- I..."

She closes her eyes, her face twisted.  Pain decorates every inch of her face.

"Goodbye," she whispers.

My heart shatters into a million pieces. I can't let her go.

"No, please. I'm sorry. I can help you."

Her eyelids fly open. There's a dark storm brewing inside of them, as dangerous as the rage that took over me just a few moments ago.

"Goodbye, Lauren."

I have no choice. I have to leave her behind. But...

"I'll call Christina," I mumble.

Then I walk away, trying to control the brew of emotions running through my heart. I knew that my anger was dangerous, but I didn't realize exactly how dangerous it was. I know it's a weapon. But I shouldn't be the one wielding it.

Okay. Well then. That was that. I actually wrote this as a start to another book/short story, but I decided to make it a oneshot instead.

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

Also yes, first update in a while. Maybe the last update in a while too. Idk, we'll just see how life goes.

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