Gone (A Christina Story)

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January 24th

"Christina, come on, let's go get some lunch. It's your favorite!"

Lisa faked a bright and happy smile as she tried to coax her older sister out of bed. Christina sat, frozen, with a blank expression on her face. 'It's probably shock' the doctors had said. 'She'll get over it soon enough.'

"Well, that was weeks ago," Lisa muttered under her breath. "And you won't do anything to help her."

She sighed. What was the point of trying to put on this cheery face for her sister? She wouldn't actually see it, would she? Or at least not process it.

Well, that may be the case, but Lisa still wanted to help her sister. The first thing she wanted to do was get her sister to eat some real food. If she could just do that, it could bring Christina one step closer to her!

All Christina ate now were smoothies and protein shakes- and she barely ate that! Lisa shook her head to clear her thoughts, then smiled more brightly than before. One step at a time, she thought.

After another hour or two of coaxing, bribing, and blindingly sunny smiles, Lisa gave up for the day and went to her room to relax. But she still returned the next day with the promise of Christina's favorite lunch.

And the next day. And the day after that. Each day the time she spent with her older sister shortened, until Lisa had given up on her for good.

Lisa, June 7th (the day she gave up on Christina)


January 25th

"Christina, hi. Um... I don't know if you can hear me, but hi. Um... do you want to listen to this song? You wrote it! Um... okay... I'll play it for you."

Amy turned the volume up on her phone and blasted the song. She looked up hopefully at her older sister, but there was no response from Christina. Sighing, the younger girl turned off the music and walked over to sit on the bed.

Her thoughts were going a mile a minute. I don't know what to do. She won't respond to any of the songs I play for her, or to anything I say. What should I do? I know I have to keep trying. I need my older sister back!

Amy buried her face in her hands and started to sob softly. She couldn't hold it back anymore. She missed her sister's laugh, her, smile, even her controlling attitude. She missed how it used to be. After hours of crying, Amy finally stood up. She gave her sister a quick kiss on the cheek, patted her arm, and left the room to go to bed.

The next day, Amy played a new song, and the day after. Each time she cried by Christina's side. But as time went on, the tears fell less, until the younger girl finally stopped crying at all. Eventually, she quit playing songs for her older sister, and then she stopped coming at all. Amy had given up on Christina for good.

Amy, July 28th

January 26th

"Christina, my older sister
You've loved and you've lost
But still you have pushed through
A strong woman to me
And to others, too
You are loved and cherished
A beacon of light shining the way
You're a survivor and fighter
So caring and loving, too
So please come back to me
Because I miss you."

Katherine sniffled a little as she finished reading the poem. She leaned her head against the stiff body of her sister, and closed her eyes. "You know, I imagine us sometimes. We're all still happy. We make music, we laugh and sing. We're... well... you're still here."

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