Fighting (A Lauren and Dani Film)

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Idk what screenplays are actually like, I just thought that this would be cool.

In the Lauren and Amy's apartment, Dani has come over to watch a movie.

Amy, cheerfully: Okay guys, I'm going to go get some popcorn now!

Lauren: Okay


Lauren: make sure you add butter

Amy: I know how to make popcorn, Lauren.

Lauren shrugs and turns back to the TV, not caring. Amy rolls her eyes and exits the room.

Lauren: Hey Dani, can we talk for a minute?

Dani, bored: about what?

Lauren: Emmyn

Dani tenses up, then shrugs it off. She tries to play it cool.

Dani: What about him?

Lauren: Well... I just don't think he's good for you, Dan.

Dani: Well, I think he is. End of conversation.

Lauren: Dani...

Dani: Listen, we're not married or anything, so what's your problem?

Lauren, calmly: I just see a lot of red flags around him, that's all.

Dani: He's only a boyfriend, Lauren.

Lauren raises her eyebrows and shifts her position, clearly ready for a long talk.

Lauren: But.. you two think you're going to get married.

Dani, suspiciously: How do you know that?

Lauren, drily: I read all the text messages between the two of you.

Dani prepares to lunge at Lauren.

Lauren: I'm just kidding, geez! You told me, remember?

Dani visibly calms down.

Dani: Oh, yeah.

Lauren: So...

Dani: He's not a bad guy, Laur. Have you even given him a chance?

Lauren: I don't need to! He seems just like the rest of the guys you've dated- full of themselves and... and just not- not good! He's a frickin' horror story waiting to happen.

Dani, exasperated: seems, Lauren. You said seems. And I'm going to try and ignore that last part.

Lauren is clearly confused.

Lauren: what?

Dani, getting visibly more angry: You said he SEEMS like the rest of the guys I dated. But he's not, Lauren! He cares about me and he's actually very sweet.

Lauren: But how do you actually know?

Dani, frowning: Do you not trust my judgement?

Lauren: ...

Dani: oh

Amy enters the room.

Amy: I've got the popcorn y'all!

Dani: ...

Lauren: ...

Amy, confused: Um... did anything happen while I was gone?

(At the same time)

Dani: no.

Lauren: yes

Both girls turn to glare at each other.
Amy slowly backs away.

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