Birthday Twins (A Lauren and Christina Story)

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August 12, 1998

"Happy birthday, midget!"

Mike traipsed into the room, holding a colorful card.

"Thanks, um... not-midget!" Christina grinned up at her older brother.

He nodded cheerfully and handed off the folded piece of paper.

"I didn't know you were so sentimental," Christina said teasingly as she finished reading the card.

Mike just shrugged and gave his younger sister an easy smile.

"Sometimes I can be."

Then reached over to rub the top of her head, mussing up her hair.

"Not always, though."


Mike let out a chuckle and walked away, yelling, "See you at breakfast, midget!"

Christina sighed, shaking her head in a good natured manner. It was a typical interaction between the two of them- Mike had always loved a good laugh, and Christina didn't mind the occasional joke or two.

She smiled again, still shaking her head.

Suddenly, Katherine and Lisa ran into the room, barrelling straight into Christina's open arms.

"Happy birthday, Chrissy!" they cried out. "Happy birthday!"

Christina kneeled down, hugging them tightly.

"Thanks, guys," she said, her lips stretching into another grin.

"Yeah!" Lisa exclaimed, glancing up.
"It's your birthday! And I think that Mommy's gonna have the baby today. I'll bet you a whole dollar!"

"A whole dollar?" Christina raised her eyebrow doubtfully. "Okay, then."

Lisa just smiled knowingly.


Later that day

"She's so beautiful," Christina whispered, staring down at the small newborn. Her little face was so sweet, the slight curve of a smile framing her dainty face.

"The perfect birthday gift?" asked her mother.

Christina nodded, not taking her gaze off the child.

"I know you weren't a big fan at first. Probably a little tired of all these little babies, huh?" Her mom laughed.

Christina glanced up sheepishly and shrugged.

"That's okay. You'll grow out of that phase. I'll even tell you a secret." Her mom leaned in and whispered something into her daughter's ear.

Christina just smiled.

"Her middle name's going to be Christine, after you," Lynne continued, leaning back.


Christina's eyes grew as wide as saucers.

"Really," her mother confirmed.

Christina looked back down at the baby.

"I love her," she murmured. "I love her so much."

In that moment, Lisa poked her head through the door. She whispered dramatically to the older girl, "You still owe me a dollar."


August 12, 2002

"Happy birthday, Laurie!"

The little girl shot straight up in her bed. She leapt to her feet and began to jump up and down excitedly.

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