Feeling Lonely (A Lauren Story)

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In this story, Lisa, Amy, and Lauren are living together! (I'm pretty sure Lauren doesn't live with Lisa in real life, though).

"Lauren, come over here, you rat!" Lisa exclaimed. She had an annoyed expression on her face as she stared down at a pile of different-shaped pieces of wood. "Hmmm?" Lauren slowly walked over to the other girl.
"Can you help me? I'm... um.... trying to build this bookshelf that Chad and I will need when we move out." Lauren wanted to laugh at the mess on the ground, but all she felt was an overwhelming sadness. How could she have forgotten? Lisa was moving out in a months' time.

"Uh, yeah," replied Lauren. "Where's the instruction manual?" She started to walk around the area, supposedly searching for the manual, but her thoughts were far away. This was going to be so soon after Dani had moved away to live with Emmyn. That was shattering enough, but now Lisa was moving away. Soon, she'd have no one left. Why? She thought to herself. Why? "Hey," Lisa spoke kindly. "Are you alright? You seem a little out of it." Lauren nodded and smiled. "Just thinking."

They started to work together, almost rhythmically, on building the bookshelf. Lisa complained and complained about how much hammering the pieces together hurt her shoulders. Lauren chuckled to herself, then responded to Lisa, "Who's the flimsy little shrimp now?" The other girl rolled her eyes and started hammering a little bit harder.

A few hours later

Lauren, Amy, and Lisa played a game of Monopoly after dinner. The youngest girl was dominating the game while the others were fighting to stay out of bankruptcy. "How do you have so many hotels?" exclaimed Amy. She was fiddling with the property cards, nervous as always. "Well, my talent is just- it's unparalleled."

"Sure it is, barbie dream girl," Lisa replied, rolling her eyes. Within 20 minutes Lauren had won the game, and all the girls had headed upstairs to their rooms.

1:00 AM

Lauren crept out of her room glancing to the left and right. The other girls were asleep, thank goodness. Silently, she headed to the bathroom. She lifted her razor out of the drawer and pulled up her sleeve. The blade was nearly touching her skin when she pulled it away. Could she do this?

Lauren knew it would only pull her in and cause her to spiral downwards. But... she also knew it would give her immense relief. She pulled her sleeve up once again, gritted her teeth, then made a quick line. Twenty cuts later, she put down the razor, cleaned up, and headed back to her room. She felt on top of the world.

The next morning, Lauren tossed on a sweater and headed down to breakfast. She paused as she checked the bathroom, making sure everything was put away. Perfect. She couldn't wait for the sweet relief of the night.

At breakfast, the three girls had a small chat, then drove over to have a band meeting and film a video. The five girls decided to do another "finish the lyrics" challenge. "The partners are: Lisa and Lauren, then Katherine and Amy," announced Christina. "I'll do it with Katherine and Lisa because we're at an uneven number. Okay, let's split up and film."

Everyone took their turns filming, laughing all the way. "Okay, 'aren't you the guy who tried to...'" Lauren said. "Uh...uhmm..ohh." Lisa racked her brain and fell dramatically on the side of the sofa. "We did a cover of this song, you should know it!" Lauren flung her arms up dramatically. Her sweater sleeves slipped down, revealing the band-aids.

She recovered quickly, throwing her arms back down. Lisa didn't seem to have noticed, which was good. "Uh.. maybe... hurt me with... what was it... that goodbye? I don't know!" she cried in an exasperated manner.


After a while, everyone had finished with their filming and had started to go home. Lisa stayed behind for a few minutes, mulling over what she had seen. She thought that she saw her younger sister's arms covered with band-aids, presumably from... well... she didn't want to think about it. Maybe it was just a few mosquito bites, Lisa thought, trying to get rid of the sick feeling in her stomach. That must be it, she decided.


Every night, Lauren would head to the bathroom to continue her routine. Sometimes it was only a few cuts, sometimes the number rose much higher. It helped her deal with the thought of missing her sisters. She was growing further apart from Dani already, and she didn't want to lose her relationship with Lisa. The pain of the thoughts drove her to continue. After all, it was helping. The routine continued for a few weeks until one night...

"Hey, who's in there?" Lisa called. She had decided to check the bathroom that night, just to make sure Laurem wasn't there. She had seen Lauren's arms a few weeks later, and the band-aids were still there. New ones, too. Mosquito bites don't last that long, she thought. I have to figure out what's going on.

"Anyone?" she called again. Lisa pushed the door open. Inside was Lauren, seemingly frozen against the back wall, blood dripping from her arm. Lisa rushed over to her younger sister, and helped her sit down. "Lauren, why?" she asked. "How?" Lisa stood up and started to clean up while Lauren came back to life. After she was done cleaning, Lisa came back to sit next to her sister.

"It's just, I feel like I'm alone. You're moving away, Dani is already gone, I just feel like I'm being left behind!" the younger girl started to sob softly.
"Oh, Lauren. You know I'll always love you, Laur. I'm your big sister, and I'm always going to look out for you. And I know Dani's also going to be with you every step of the way. Just because we live in different places doesn't mean we're going to be separated. Okay?" The older girl hugged her sister comfortingly. "Promise me you won't do that again?" Lauren nodded shakily. "Thanks, Lise. I love you. Just... stay with me for a little, please? And can this stay between us?"
Lisa nodded an 'of course' and hugged her younger sister a bit tighter.

They stayed like that for hours until dawn, then they got up, shook themselves off, and readied themselves for a new day. A new chapter. And a whole life of love, happiness, and understanding. ♡

Thank you for reading this! I hope you liked it. Idk if it's good or not, but I hope it's at least mediocre haha.

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