Overworked (A Lisa Story/Ending #1)

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"I'm sorry to say this, but it looks like this wasn't an accident. I know that something like this has happened before. Lisa collapsing from stress, exhaustion, dehydration, etc. Am I right?"

The doctor watched the girls expectantly, his warm brown eyes curious.

A few moments passed, then Amy nodded once, stiffly. She let out a small huff as she anxiously fiddled with the dangling charms adorning her wrist.

The doctor smiled sympathetically at the nervous girl, shooting her a comforting glance. Then he continued on.

"But this time it seems quite different. I don't think the situation is... the same as it was previously. It looks like, well, it looks like there might have been foul play."

He finished the sentence in a bit of a rush, as if he were expecting an explosive reaction. Instead, he was met with stunned silence.

Then Christina drew a sharp breath.

"Foul play?" she asked, her forehead creasing slightly.


The doctor nodded gravely.

"There was an unknown drug in her system when she arrived at the hospital. The test results aren't back yet to show us exactly what it was."

Christina covered her mouth with a shaky hand. How? she thought.

"However, it was also clear that she wasn't taking care of herself, as you all suspected. She came in very dehydrated, and it does seem that she hasn't slept much at all over the course of the past few weeks."

"What? She always seems so full of life at the meetings." Amy interjected.

"It's the front she puts up," Christina said tersely, bringing her hand down and placing it on the arm of her chair. She clutched the plastic so tightly her knuckles went white. "It's not- not real."

"She wants us all to believe she's doing okay. But she's clearly not." Katherine added, sighing.

"I just can't believe I didn't see this before. Now Lisa's in the freakin' hospital!" Her eyes welled up with tears.

"I should have realized," Lauren said softly, picking at the loose threads on her jacket. "She did seem a bit, well, off the last few days."

Amy nodded slowly, her eyebrows scrunched together tightly.


"I'm sorry. We're trying to figure things out the best we can. The results from the test should come back within a couple days."

A pause, then,"Do you all want to see her?" the doctor asked.

The five sisters nodded slowly. They were still in shock, still processing the strange yet horrifying news.

"Come in." He waved the girls through the doorway.

The room smelled like chemicals, cleaning products and the such. The walls were bare, painted a clean white that almost glowed under the fluorescent lights. There was no warmth to the space, rather, it felt very sterile and orderly.

And Lisa... she looked so pale and lifeless on the hospital bed. The harsh lighting didn't do her any favors, either. Her face was quite chalky, her hair limp. The only sign of movement was the occasional twitch of a finger.

Chad was already sitting by the bedside, as he had been let in a few minutes earlier. His eyes were filled with a sweet sort of worry, his face traced by a line of tears down his cheeks. His hair was disheveled, clearly he had come in quite a hurry.

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