The Forgotten Birthday (An Amy Story)

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Amy sat alone in the cold in her room that July night. Her face was wet and streaked with the tears of a thousand and one lonely nights... and another forgotten birthday.

No one came.

No one called.

No one cared.

And no one saw.

Amy sighed and turned away from her phone. Of course no one would reach out, say a simple "happy birthday." It had been like this every birthday she'd had for the last 25 years of her life. Her whole family would ignore her, go on with their business as usual. Not even her little brother Joey would think to talk to her.

Amy reached up to wipe away some of the quick falling tears. She hated this day. It was the worst, most horrendous day of the entire year. Amy desperately wanted some sort of attention, but it never came. It was as if someone had swooped in and tossed an invisibility spell over her. When she tried to speak, her voice seemed to catch in her throat, then fade away.
She would scream until her throat was raw, but no one gave her so much as a glance.

But what Amy hated more than the lack if attention was the feelings that came with it. Oh, it was horrible. It seemed to engulf her, whispering all her insecurities, all her fears. It teased the girl, gliding in and out of reach. And Amy let it come. She had tried to avoid it when she was younger, but she knew there was no hope to it now.

"Christina," she cried in a small, pitiful voice.



"Lauren, Dani? Anyone? Please, someone, help me!"

The only answer was silence. Another few tears slipped down Amy's cheeks.
Why is no one here for me? I can't take much more of this you know. It's going to be too much in the end. Why can't I just die? It would be so much easier. So. Much. Easier. A sob ripped out of Amy's chest. She cried and cried until she went numb.

Then she stood up slowly, brushed herself off, and faced herself in the mirror. Amy wiped the last tears from under her eyes, then smiled at her reflection. "I'm happy," she said in a falsely cheery voice. "I love myself. My life is wonderful. I and I most certainly do not want to die."

Then she turned around and walked into the darkness. A giant hand composed of swirling, dark grey vapor appeared out of nowhere. It hovered for a moment, as if unsure of what to do. Then it shot out and grabbed Amy, squeezed her until she could hardly breath. Dark tendrils of smoke jabbed and poked at the girl. A rumbling sound filled the area, louder and louder until it ended with a resounding crash. Silence reigned for a minute... then two...

Then a stream of blinding, pure white light hurtled toward Amy. She screamed, and then everything went black.


"Wake up, silly head. It's your birthday!" Amy opened her eyes to find her sisters smiling happily at her. "Look, we made you breakfast in bed! Kath made the pancakes and the French toast, but we all helped out." Amy stayed still in her bed, frozen.

"You alright?" asked Christina, concerned. "Was it that dream again?"
Amy shook her head to clear it, then smiled back at her sisters. "Yeah, I'm good. This breakfast looks delicious, y'all!"

The girls all chatted for a little while, then eventually left the room so Amy could eat in peace.

People do care, Amy thought. They do.

She knew that she had to see her fears, her worst nightmares, so she could fully appreciate all the good in her life.

So she smiled to herself, hummed a little song, and finished her breakfast with that thought in mind.

I'm loved.

Hey guys, I hope you liked this. I know it was a cliche "wow I woke up and it was all a dream" kind of thing, but I had to think of something quickly. I wanted to write a birthday themed story for Amy's birthday, and I put it together kind of quickly.

Anyway, happy birthday to Amy!
And to any and every birthday out there! :)

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