Memories (A Dani Story)

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"Remember when we went to the park last year?"

Christina glanced in the younger girls' direction, her wandering eyes softening slightly as they landed upon her sister's pallid, shallow face. Ashy-gray rings circled underneath both of Dani's eyes, haunting her deathly pale complexion. It was yet another gut-wrenching reminder of their broken situation.


Christina hesitated for a fraction of a second, gasping like a fish out of water. She reached out for something to hold onto, an anchor of sorts, anything to bring her back to reality. Or rather, away from it. A small shiver ran through her body as she jerked her head down, glints of fear darkening her face.

Stop, she reminded herself gently. It's your turn to be the role model. The one she looks up to. Don't show her your fear.

Christina inhaled shakily, her face growing warmer by the second, flushing pink with embarrassment.

"Sorry," she murmured. "I got caught up in- never mind."

A feeble head bob from the other green-eyed girl, and Christina continued on in her stumbling way.

"We were... we were filming a video, remember, Dan? And... and you decided to pour out all the bubble solution. On us? Remember that, Dan? Dani? Do you remember?"

"Yeah," Dani rasped, her voice scratchy. She winced at the grating sound, her face scrunched up in pain.

"Yeah," she said again, her voice barely above a whisper. "I- I remember."

Christina smiled softly at her younger sister as she slowly caressed her cheek. A concerned expression flitted across her face, imperceptible in the dimly lit room.

"No need to talk, Dan. You can just listen."

Dani nodded weakly, her normally bright green eyes dull with exhaustion.

"And, and that time we rode the ferris wheel? It was so high I almost died of fright! Then you gave me some cotton candy afterwards, and I felt loads better. Or the time we went to the amusement park in Portugal? That was amazing! It was so different from anything we've seen in the US. We didn't do any of that for the fans. It was just for us. D'you remember, Dan?"

Christina paused for a second and smiled, reminiscing over all the old memories.

"I remember when you got to go to your favorite singer's show. I'm not sure of the name, but I know you had the time of your life! You cried when we gave you the tickets for your birthday. I was so happy for you! You were so young, too."

Christina rambled on and on, recounting dozens upon dozens of memories. Time ticked by, passing in a flash. Soon enough, the one hour mark approached, then the second. Dani's eyelids began to droop. She sagged into her bed, nestling further into the clean white sheets. For a moment, she fought to sit up, struggling to keep her eyes open.

I have to be strong, she reminded herself. I can't let her worry. But-

"I'm so tired," Dani whispered, her head lolling to the side. "I'm s-s-sleepy."

Christina reached out to adjust the pillow behind Dani's head, gently sweeping a stray strand of hair out of the younger girls' face.

"Go to sleep. I'll be here in the morning," whispered Christina, blinking tears from her eyes.

A faint smile appeared on Dani's face. "Love you, Chris," she murmured.

The older girl tenderly traced the outline of Dani's face, lightly running her fingers over her hollowed cheeks and deathly pale skin. She fought back the pressure pushing against her eyes, choking back a sob as she gently squeezed the young girls' cold, thin hand.

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