The Day I Meet You

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     Yunlan just finished  his work and going home. When he see the park it have beautiful  flowers blooming and birds chirping.

   He decided  to laid himself on the grass park. Enjoy the sun and the beautiful  scenery. Luckily  there's  no one around to interrupt  this quiet moment of his. He sleep and dream of a wonderful life. When out of nowhere it rained.

   *Bleep!* I'm soaking  wet!" As he was about to stand and run for cover. But he was surprised  someone cover him with an umbrella.  "Hello! My dear didi nice to see you again?" Said the most beautiful man he have ever seen.

    Yunlan gawk at his beauty, eventhough  his not gay. "But hell  would be just for this guy!" He whispered  to himself. "Didi! You have grown up now and quite handsome." And caress his cheek. Yunlan frozen on the spot when the man touched  his cheek. His hands is soft as a petal of rose and that sweet scent make Yunlan's  heart beat fast.

    "Am I falling inlove for the first time?" He ask himself. But his dream state broke when the man said. "I've searched  for you everywhere! For a long time! Please come back with me!" He ask. "Excuse me! But I didn't  know you? I'm an only child! I don't  have any siblings that I  remember?"

   But the man pulled him by the waist making his face so near. And indeed his beautiful. "I know your still angry at me for leaving you! Please don't  deny that I'm your gege Shen Wei! Lan lan!" As tears fell from his eyes. Yunlan was astound by his beauty and didn't  notice his fingers wipe away the man tears. As it descended unto his pink, soft lips. "Wow! It's  really soft!" Said Yunlan to himself.

    Without thinking Yunlan suddenly  pulled Shen Wei  for a passionate  kiss. Shen Wei  widen his eyes and was shocked  to do anything. As Yunlan hold his nape and deepen the kiss while his other hand hold Shen Wei's  thin waist.  So he can't  escape. The kiss is becoming a heated one. As Shen Wei  forgot what his doing because of the sweet kiss of Yunlan he suddenly  replied to it and dropped  the umbrella.

    Both hunger for each other kiss almost devouring each other and feeling each others heated body. As the rain kept pouring down. Suddenly  a thunder roared making Yunlan realize what he have done. He suddenly  pushed Shen Wei  and run away.

    Shen Wei  on the other hand was shocked on what happened  and can't  help to smile while touching his lips where his Yunlan kiss him. He suddenly  notice the ID that Yunlan left.
"Kat's  Corporation ID no. 800, name Zhao Yunlan. I finally  found you my little  didi and won't  let you go!" He told himself.

   Yunlan on the other hand went to a nearby building for shelter. "*Bleep! Bleep!* Why did I kiss that guy!" As he trying to recall what happened  and his name.  Because he forgotten  and continued to run home.

   Da quing, the owner of the apartment , on the other hand was about to sleep.  When Yunlan came drenched  with water. "What happened  to you?!" Shout Da quing.  Yunlan laugh and said, "I forgot to bring my umbrella?" And took off his shoes and went to his room. "Kids this day!" Said Da quing.

   His room mate Guo and Lin Jing was shocked seeing him like that. As he gave him  change of clothes and his soap and shampoo. "Go! Take a bath before you get sick!" Shout Lin Jing. "Why did you soak yourself in the rain anyway?!" Ask Guo.

    Yunlan just wave at his friends and take a quick shower. While taking a bath, still that soft lips linger on his plump lips and Yunlan can't  stop touching his lips. "That guy! Who is he?
Why he kept insisting me that I'm his didi?!" As he close his eyes and remembered  that beautiful face.  "God! What if his my sibling? How can I face him after I kissed  him passionately!" While running his fingers through his drenched  hair.

    And the truth is I like kissing him and more! This is a problem!" While leaning his head on the cold tiles of the bathroom.

    On the other hand while Shen Wei  came home, "Gege! Welcome  home!" As Yezun about to kiss his cheek. Shen Wei  block his lips with his hand. "You disgust me! Your not my didi!" That made Yezun shocked  while their mother shout. "Wei! Don't  say that to your twins!" But Shen Wei  just ignored him and went upstairs. Yezun can't  help to cry while their mother comfort him. "He still didn't  forgive me until now!"

    Inside his bedroom,  Shen Wei  went to the bathroom  to take a good shower. As he went out wearing only a robe. He laid himself  on the bed and get the ID of Yunlan. "Your my real  didi! You never left me! But instead I have left you! And now you completely  forgotten  me!" As he cried a little.  But suddenly  smile while touching his lips.

     Maybe you have forgotten  I'm your gege! But I can be your lover! Just to be close to you again!" He suddenly  sit up, "Yes! That's  what will I do! I'm gonna be your lover! Then no one can't  seperate  us ever again!" And kiss Yunlan's  ID, as he went to sleep while hugging the picture of Yunlan.

    At  the other side of the city. Yunlan tried to sleep. But as every time he close his eyes. Shen Wei's  face kept  poping in and his soft, pink lips. That he like to taste  again.  When will I meet you again? Gege? Hmmmm...." As he pout his lips. Only to be welcome by Guo's foot. Whose sleeping above him. Well they're  sleeping  ln a double deck. Guo above while Yunlan at the buttom.

    "Ptooey! Whatta!!! It taste like rotten socks! Ptooey!" Yunlan spit and shoved Guo's  foot who almost stumble  down. "Hey! What's  wrong with you?!" Shout Guo. "You made me kiss your filthy foot! Mouse!" Shout Yunlan. That made Lin Jing laugh and toss a pillow on them. "Get some sleep! Will be waking early tomorrow! So sleep! I don't  want to be late at work!" As he cover himself  up with  a blanket.

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